Reasons For Not Going To Church
Reason Versus Excuse
First off some people really do have a valid reason for not going to church.
And on the flip side, some people really do have an absolutely ridiculous excuse for not going.
For me, if it is really that important to you, then you will find a way -- otherwise, well then you'll find an excuse not to do it. And that's pretty straight forward.
Because simply put, a real good reason is an honest justification (or a real excuse).
And an excuse is more like a "get out of jail free card" (or a real bad reason, most times disguised as a justification).
Okay, so what could be really good reasons for not going to church.
- You haven't been to one, ever.
- You have work (or just coming off work).
- You have school.
- You have to take care of someone.
- You are sick.
And what could really be merely excuses?
- I haven't been back to church for a long time.
- I'm sleepy (or I'm lazy).
- I want to catch a movie, a play, a TV show, a game, a date, etc.
- I need to do something.
- I need to visit someone.
Also it could be that the nearest church building where you are, is about 150 miles away, one way. Or that even if it's nearer than that, you absolutely have no way to get there or to go there safely. Going to church could even be illegal where you are and your only real church could be something like this place.
Now some very infamous or overly used "reasons" aka "excuses" are:
- I need to put my act together first.
- I will suffer spontaneous combustion if I did.
- That place is filled with hypocrites.
- They wouldn't accept me.
- It's corny (or boring, or outdated, or stupid, or crazy, or fill in your favorite adjective).
A real good one could actually be that "I'm scared", "I give up", or "I'm a lost cause."
Well of course, none of these are really truly justifiable.
Well of course, none of these are really truly justifiable.
You Know the Truth
For you see, you know the truth, and you know if you really have a valid reason, or a really good excuse.
For you see, you know the truth, and you know if you really have a valid reason, or a really good excuse.
Either way, you do have another option here. Decide to come to this church.
Yes, here! You are most welcome here, come as you are and no one will judge you, no one will force you to do anything you don't want to do, you can come and go as you please -- no one would know, and you can read up at your own pace.
Okay you can even throw in your "I do not believe in organized religion" ultimate reason. And still it wouldn't work.
Or you can even use your "All you want is my money" reasoning. Well that wouldn't work either.
Running out of excuses?
Then maybe, just maybe, it's time to stop running. Relax. You've come home. Welcome back.
Jesus (the great and chief Shepherd) when He was teaching those who wanted to hear him speak, often spoke in parables or in short stories about everyday people and everyday things, which he made simple enough to be entertaining and thought-provoking as well as to make an analogy into which He could make his point across.
Here is one, that is recorded by Luke, one about making excuses.
The Parable of the Great Banquet
When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”
Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
“But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’
“Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’
“Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’
“The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’
“‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’
“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
Luke 14:15-24, NIV
Here Jesus is talking about a wedding banquet, where all the chosen people were invited to attend. But all of them had an excuse.
He then asked his servants to go out and invite the uninvitable.
We are among these people, we are among these poor, blind and lame folks.
He is calling us to come and join him in the celebrations.
Well, you could argue that you may be among those who were initially invited and had an excuse not to come.
But the invitation is still open. Come, come while there is still time.
And as I have said, you are all most welcome here. Come and learn more about the things that Jesus had talked about regarding your life right now and about all that is yet to come.
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