Meeting Together
I know, the church is supposed to come together and to meet up. But how can we do so when this church is for all those who are lost and "unchurched" spread out all over the ends of the earth.
The Time Has Come
Right now most churches are either partially meeting up, gathering in parking lots or online.
Actually it has now become quite normal and so we can now meet up online as well. (Well, planet earth has now become one big parking lot anyway, so why not, right?)
Right now most churches are either partially meeting up, gathering in parking lots or online.
Actually it has now become quite normal and so we can now meet up online as well. (Well, planet earth has now become one big parking lot anyway, so why not, right?)
The days and the times would need to be planned out and coordinated (because we are all not in the same time zone, body clock and all).
The days and the times would need to be planned out and coordinated (because we are all not in the same time zone, body clock and all).
But all those who wish to "meet up" for fellowship, for prayer, for question and answer, for encouragement, for anything... please post a comment below or send me an email message*.
Let us start small groups online as soon as we have two or three.
"Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25 The Message Paraphrase
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