Overshooting the Mark

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."
Philippians 2:5-7

Time and time again, we hear that Jesus came to serve and not to be served (Matthew 20:28).

His very attitude reflects who He is. He knows fully well who He is. He is comfortable in His own skin. He isn't insecure. He doesn't look for nor need the approval of others, the accolades, the applause. He doesn't need the limelight. In fact, He is the light. He shines through the darkness. He reveals everything.

And that is the problem with Christians throughout the history of Christianity, many do not know who they are in Christ but when they do, many go overboard take the mindset that they are more than who they really are. Some even thinking they can do no wrong.

Easy Play

And I don't blame them as it is an easy play of the enemy, as it knows once you are a red hot Christian, you cannot be stopped, so it changes tactics and let's you go over the top, overshooting your target instead.

A Big Turn Off

And this is a big reason why many unbelievers are so turned off from becoming Christians. Because as they see for themselves that many Christians are so unlike the Christ they profess to follow.

In fact, the sad reality is that many non-Christians act more Christlike than those who claim to be Christians.

I have known some people who instead of having a curiosity to go to a church service or event have instead made up their mind to never give it a try and have instead stayed clear of Christian family, friends and acquiantances.

As it turned out, the greatest enemy of the church is not unbelief but the believers themselves. More often than not, it is not really about what they fail to do that's the issue but more on what they actually do that makes it so offsetting.

Filthy Rugs

But don't get me wrong, many believers can and could walk the talk. All will have to learn it the hard way. Real believers will eventually get to that point. As soon as they realize that Christianity is not about them, but all about Christ; that apart from Christ, they can do nothing and all they do can be likened to filthy rugs if they do it solely on their own strength and not of God's and solely for their own purpose and not for God's glory.
