Word 3

"For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God." 1 Peter 1:23

This will be the third in this series about the Word. And today we come across this commonly misunderstood and polarizing term 'born again'.

[If you miss the first two messages, here is Word 1 and here is Word 2].


Now in the short passage above, Peter writing to the early believers of the First Century, who were "suffering" for following the Word (Jesus of Nazareth) is reiterating what would be a common concept to his readers in his day that they were reborn (born again) not of the normal human way (perishable - meaning having a best before date).

But that they were "born again" through the imperishable (no expiration date).

How? By the living Word of God.

It wasn't by the usual human way, but by Jesus, the Word who became flesh -- the supernatural way.

This Word is both living and enduring. It is alive, active and will last forever

Need To Be Reminded

It is important to note that even back then, Peter who was among the closest, earliest and longest followers of Jesus had to "remind" the followers of his day about being 'born again' and about the living and enduring Word.

How much more now, 20 centuries later. How much more it is needed to teach and remind people, and explain to them concepts like 'born again' and the Word of God.


Like in the previous two messages, we already mentioned that Jesus is the Word -- the Word who became flesh. God sent us His Word, so that we are finally able to understand Him.

This will not be so easy. It will not be without resistance or doubt. For it was the same with Peter and the first believers who all actually spent almost every minute with Jesus in the flesh during His earthly ministry.


Jesus told those first believers, they were fortunate -- they believe because they saw, they heard, they witnessed. Day in and day out, Jesus backed up what He said and who He claim to be -- the Son of the living God, the living Word of God.

And Peter knows the struggle would be greater for succeeding new believers, especially because they weren't able to see, hear and touch Jesus and witness the miracles that He did.

That is why, like Jesus, Peter and the initial followers of Jesus who did, were constantly teaching, explaining and reminding them.

He Will Come Back Again

Jesus is the Word and He will not return void. He is living and He will come back to earth once again.

Of course, we can believe this or not.

But all Peter and the other followers of Jesus were doing  is what they saw Jesus did with their very eyes. And like in their time, some people will take notice, some will decide to stick around to learn more, some will say whatever and walk away and some will fight hard against them. Whoever you are or whatever your reaction is, is entirely up to you. No one is forcing anyone to believe or not believe (even if it may seem like it). Those who truly believe just have an inner joy that they cannot help but talk about it. The Word is still very much alive today and it will not return empty-handed.
