Word 4

"From Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I was sent to lead God’s chosen people to faith and to the knowledge of the truth that leads to a godly life. My message is based on the confidence of eternal life. God, who never lies, promised this eternal life before the world began. God has revealed this in every era by spreading his word. I was entrusted with this word by the command of God our Savior." Titus 1:1-3

So on this 4th installment of this series, we will continue looking at the Word. In the first of this series, we have the Prophet Isaiah talking about this. Then the Apostle Peter and then the Apostle John.

Now in the passage above, we are looking at the Apostle Paul writing to Titus.


If you haven't read the first three messages in this series, you could read them through the links above. To recap, we have already mentioned that Jesus is the Word -- the Word who became flesh. God sent us His Word, so that we are finally able to understand Him.

God Revealed

Paul told Titus that God was revealing Himself and His plan in every era, through his word.

Paul added that he too was entrusted with this word. The irony is that before becoming a believer, Paul was totally and even violently against Jesus, His teaching and His followers.

But Paul had an experience, one which we could say was an AHA moment. One where he realizes that the person he was going up against, the one he was oppposed to and violently reacting to (the Word) was who He was claiming to be.

AHA Moment

All true believers would have experienced their own realization, prior to them becoming a believer themselves. It could be as radical as what has happened to Paul, or it could be something a little or a whole lot less dramatic but, all so real and personal.

This is what most will describe as an epiphany. This "AHA moment" will result in an event believers would call as being reborn spiritually (or born again). It is a rebirth -- a second birth, not like the first time but a birth of their spirit.

God is spirit and His believers believe in their spirit and in truth. Without this or before this regeneration (rebirth of the spirit) then it would not be possible to understand God and who He is, what His plan is. And all these starts to be revealed (in every generation) through God's Word.

A Time For Everything

If you are a believer, all this would be making sense. And this would be real for you. If you aren't then this will be a little hard to wrap your mind around just yet. But like Paul, sooner or later you too can have your chance with your own personal realization.
