Pandemic Preaching - When I Don't Understand

"There are many different languages in this world, and all of them make sense. But if I don’t understand the language that someone is using, we will be like foreigners to each other."
-Apostle Paul
1 Corinthians 14:10-11

Jesus taught using illustrations, stories, metaphors and other figures of speech, also by healing and doing good to people. Many times people did not understand what he was saying, mostly He did so on purpose.

In the excerpt from one of Apostle Paul's letters to the first believers in Corinth, He was teaching them about the use of a language that others do not understand. 

He likened those speaking in a different tongue (or speaking in tongues) to foreign people speaking a different language from the locals. Obviously when they do so, the locals may not understand them.

This is much the same way when Jesus was speaking in stories (or parables) and metaphors. His disciples had to ask Him what He meant, many times.

In fact in many occasions, Jesus actually did not want other people to understand and He only explained what He meant to His closest disciples.


In the same way, God allows certain things to happen to us, which we might not understand or struggle to understand -- like this pandemic or the destruction it has brought us. Or many other things that happen to us.

But this does not diminish the fact that God is in control. (He is God).

There is nothing that He does not know about. He knows what we are going through. He knows what is good for us. He knows what we can endure. He loves us. He cares for us. He does not want anyone to be lost and wants everyone to be reconciled to Him.

You may be asking, so why are these seemingly bad things happening to us. Or even thinking that we do not deserve any of these. So why? Why? Why?

Well why not?

A lot of bad things happened to Jesus Himself. He had to endure a lot of things Himself. He certainly did not deserve those things. 

But He went through them. In the end, He even asked the Father if He could prevent His suffering to continue as He prayed, but He also said that not His will but the Father's will be done.

This pandemic time and the other things we have to endure is kind of the same thing. 

Our response should be, Father help us. Father deliver us. Father let us not go through all these bad things. 

But not what we want but what you want.

God is teaching each one of us things that we need to know. We might not be understanding what He is saying, but what it really is, is that He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us.

He has plans to take care of us and not to abandon us.

He has plans to give us the future we hope for.

When we call on Him, when we come and pray to Him, He will listen.

When we come looking for Him, we will find Him.

When we get serious about finding Him and want it more than anything else, He will make sure we will not be disappointed.

He will turn things around for us. He will bring us back from where ever we were driven out to. He will bring us home with Him.

I Know
