Wisdom - Common Sense

"If you’re dumb enough to call attention to yourself
    by offending people and making rude gestures,
Don’t be surprised if someone bloodies your nose.
    Churned milk turns into butter;
    riled emotions turn into fist fights."

Proverbs 30:32-33 MSG

[This is the 23rd message in this series]

In this series we are highlighting two-liner verses from the Book of Proverbs.

Asking For It

This proverb shouldn't even need to be said but then again, common sense is not really all that common.

Calling attention to yourself by saying offensive words, rude gestures, bragging and planning malicious things are not really smart things to be doing. All these when sent out there have a way of 'boomeranging' back and hitting you squarely on the nose. And yes when it does, it will hurt.


Butter is traditionally made by churning milk. Meaning milk turns into butter by constant agitation.

In the same way, when someone is constantly agitating or egging someone on, the person being agitated will most probably get to a point where they cannot take it anymore. (Well that is the intent anyway). 

And the end result could be that the person annoying the other person will get hit on the nose (physically or proverbially). Might turn ugly or bloody (in the physical or spiritual). 


If you keep on being angry and worse, if you keep on saying or doing things that will make another person angry, then it is like you are trying to turn milk into butter -- you are a bitter butter maker. 


Constant agitation is like a deliberate act of trying to change someone into someone they are not. The one egging someone on, is more to blame than the one egged on. As the saying goes, they've created a monster. 

Constantly doing so will lead to fights, into trouble and strife, division and disunity. Not a very smart thing to do. But some people just want to learn the hard way. Or are just up to mischief and maliciousness. 

No Time

One who is in a constant state of praise (walking in the Spirit and worshipping God) will have no time to be thinking or planning evil intent, muchless doing anything spiteful or malicious towards others.

Romans 12:18

"If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."

