Wisdom - Motherly Words

A Mother's Warning

"The words of King Lemuel, an oracle that his mother taught him:

O my son, O son of my womb,
O son of my vows,
do not give your vigor to women,
or your ways to what ruins kings."

Proverbs 31:1-3

[This is the 24th message in this series]

In this series we are highlighting two-liner verses from the Book of Proverbs.

Motherly Advice

This proverb is about a mother's warning to her son. Proverbs 31 is mostly about women, about a man's wife and the mother of his children.

It's not Mother's Day, but it could be. It could be Mother's Day everyday if we want it to, but of course it's not.

We Were A Child

We normally didn't listen to our mothers growing up and sadly for many of us, when she's been long gone, that is the time when we remember her telling us things that we now realize we should have listened to.

We were just a child then, but then again even now, we still find ourselves acting like children, some more than others (childish/juvenile).

One Woman

Mothers are precious. There is only one woman who carried us for up to nine months, for some even more, inside her own body, as day and night, we found ways of annoying her from the inside out.

There is only one woman who nursed us inside and out of the womb, first feeding us through an umbilical cord, our lifeline and then feeding us from her bosom.

And most times there was only one woman who was there to feed us multiple times throughout the day and night for years or decades even, taking care of us when we didn't feel well or when we were feeling down.

Our Mother

She is our mother, the one who chose to carry us and bring us out into this world, nurture us and protect us until we are ready to do it for own ourselves and for our own children.

If our mother is still around, give her a call, go visit her, give her a hug, give her a kiss. Spend some time with her. However old we've been or however far we have drifted apart, for her we are still her little baby.

If she's no longer around, then let us cherish her memory, be the best 'mother' we can be to our own children and/or to the next generation we will leave behind, when it's our turn to move on. We will never know who these young ones will grow up to be. Planting good in them will only bring forth a great harvest.

Pass Them Along

Growing up, there were certain things that our moms warned us about. If we can still remember them, maybe it's still not too late to remember and heed them. And pass them on.

In this proverb, a mom had things to tell her son who became king. We can never be too big, too intelligent, nor too rich and powerful for a few motherly words of wisdom.

[Lemu el means “for God”,  “devoted to God" or "belonging to God"]

Exodus 20:12

"Honor your father and mother so that you’ll live a long time in the land that God, your God, is giving you."

