Wisdom - Good Old Advice

"Respect and obey the LORD! This is the beginning of knowledge. Only a fool rejects wisdom and good advice."

Proverbs 1:7

[This is the 25th message in this series]

In this series we are highlighting two-liner verses from the Book of Proverbs.

Jewish Scriptures

The Book of Proverbs is a compilation of old sayings of the Old Testament Jewish people.

This book of old pearls of knowledge still is a great resource and good to read up on daily, as a source of advice and Godly wisdom.

New Generation

Each new generation is constantly reinventing the wheel so to speak, as they believe that they know more about everything than their parents and the generations past ever did.

They may be right but what they are forgetting is that it is their parents and grandparents who invented the internet, texting, emailing, Google, Amazon, Apple, the computer, the microwave, cable TV, fastfood, the ATM, the airplane, the spaceship, the car, the telephone, the camera, cinema, television, radio, writing, reading, arithmetic, communicating and everything else.

Everything being invented today are just piggy backing on things that the older generation already came up with. And they did so the old fashioned way.

Everything was so much harder to do back in the day. Try doing something today without a smartphone, wifi, siri or youtube? Young people today cannot even begin to comprehend how people had to do things just 30-40 years ago. How much more a hundred or a thousand yeats ago.

New Ideas

The new generation is constantly trying to find new ways of doing things, of eating, cooking and preparing food, studying, learning, working, raising their children and everything else in general.

[What was will be again, what happened will happen again. There's nothing new on this earth. Year after year it's the same old thing. Ecclesiastes 1:9]

And lost in all their achievements is that they are merely standing on the shoulders of everyone before them who blazed the trail for them.

Made it Happen

Each new generation feels that they are the smartest if not the most technologically advanced generation. They aren't wrong. The older generation made this happen.

But let's wait until their children and their grand children grows up, they will tell them who is smarter. The way they treat the older generation will be nothing compared to how their kids and their grand kids will be treating them. This is probably why more and more younger people aren't getting married and having children anymore. That could be the smartest thing they will ever do (or not). Anyway, they will find out in due time.

Ignorance Is No Excuse

So for priding themselves for being so smart, let's hope that at least, they have read through the pages of the Book of Proverbs.

This is not a very long book. It is only 31 chapters long. If we spend five minutes a day, we can read it through in a month (one proverb a day). We wouldn't even feel it. We can find an app for it or easily find it online.

At least once in our life, we should read through it so at least whatever happens, we wouldn't need to say, no one told me so.


Advice is a dime a dozen, it's every where. We can find them in memes, movies, games, apps, shirts or bumper stickers.

So just be mindful that there is a very old book containing about a thousand pieces of advice. Some of which we would need to know about because we will never know when we may need them.

Don't say, no one told me so. Ignorance is no excuse.

Ignorantia Legis Neminem Excusat

The legal principle of ignorantia juris non excusat (ignorance of the law excuses not) or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (ignorance of law excuses no one) comes from old Roman laws. It means that if someone breaks the law, he or she is still liable even if they had no prior knowledge of the law being broken.

