Psalm 130

"Help, God — I’ve hit rock bottom!
    Master, hear my cry for help!
Listen hard! Open your ears!
    Listen to my cries for mercy.

If you, God, kept records on wrongdoings,
    who would stand a chance?
As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit,
    and that’s why you’re worshiped.

I pray to God—my life a prayer—
    and wait for what he’ll say and do.
My life’s on the line before God, my Lord,
    waiting and watching till morning,
    waiting and watching till morning.

O Israel, wait and watch for God—
    with God’s arrival comes love,
    with God’s arrival comes generous redemption.
No doubt about it—he’ll redeem Israel,
    buy back Israel from captivity to sin."

Psalm 130 MSG

The Book of Psalms is a collection of songs -- songs that the Jewish people of old, sang to the Lord.

Most modern worship songs and traditional hymns are based off of the lyrics found in this book, and other books of the bible.

You see whenever someone comes to the Lord in prayer, that person approaches God in reverence.

And there are only two proper ways to do this.

1. In Humility, and
2. In Arrogance.

In humility, as this psalm shows us.

And second in arrogance, but boasting not of our selves or what we have done. 

[No we should never ever do that. Nothing we do can ever buy us a ticket to Our Father's heaven, apart from the finished work of the Father's Son.]

So in arrogance, by boasting on the Lord, in the finished work and ministry of Christ, Jesus of Nazareth. Apart from which we cannot even start to approach God's throne.

The Way

Jesus tore the veil separating us from the presence of God. His finished work covers up our sins and trespasses. And His Spirit is our Guide, Comforter and Teacher.

As a lost sheep, the loudest cry that the Lord hears is the one coming from a repentant heart, crying from a place of surrender and hunility, and singing a genuine song of remorse and repentance, and seeking reconciliation with Our Creator, Our God. 

Now those who are have been redeemed, those who are in God's sheepfold should not let God's grace and favor go to their head.

They need not be arrogant and need to check their hearts, approaching God with clean hands, a clean heart, a clean spirit and the right motives.

New Life

Every redeened sheep ends the day to rest for the night by thanking the Lord for a day of God's blessing, praying for God's mercy, and singing songs from a grateful heart.

In the morning, as they wake up, there will be days when they will notice that their inner most being is still singing a song of praise.

And as they open their eyes, their lips smile and offer a word of thanksgiving for a good night's rest, continuing to start the day with a song of  hope and strength for the new day. And praying for another day of God's favor, protection and provision.
