Teaching - Art Imitating Life, Life Imitating Art

“This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God."

Matthew 5:23-24 in the Message Paraphrase Version

[This is the 25th lesson of this series]

The Will Smith & Chris Rock Saga

Several days ago a scandalous event took place on live TV. People who have not witnessed what had unfolded weren't spared. Because soon enough, everyone heard about this infamous slapping incident. Everyone, prominent people, social media, the news, all are still talking about it a week later.

Some have sided with Mr. Smith because for them it was a matter of him defending his wife's honor. Some are siding with Mr. Rock, applauding how he de-escalated the tense situation. (There is always two sides to a story).

Anyway this would have been a non story if it happened to normal everyday, not rich and famous people. This one is still a topic of discussion and it appears like the media and some people will still be milking this story for as long as they can.

This is the world we live in, exploiting and manipulating anything and everything, and it shows how different the make believe world of entertainment is with the outside world.

Image Credit: history.com

Post Pandemic

There are still people getting sick, suffering and even dying not just because of the pandemic virus but because of its lingering effects and the protocols that were put in place.

Normal, everyday people are suffering because gas prices have doubled, food prices have doubled, there are empty shelves in the grocery stores again. Plus only the rich can afford to panic buy and stock needed supplies, while the majority of the people, many barely able to make ends meet, can only afford to panic. Because by the time they have money to spend, prices have gone up another round or the stores have run out of the items that they need to buy. Facts.

And we are not even talking about the billions of other people all over the world -- already suffering without the pandemic, going hungry everyday, nowhere to come home to, no one to care for them, no one to take them in, there are wars going on in their countries and all other kinds of national and personal trials and tribulations.


The rich and famous have all these trivial rich people lalaland problems, most of them have no idea what it really feels like to live outside the world they live in. 

Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Rock have at last apologized to one another. And this is the lesson we need to glean from this overly drawn out saga, worthy of Oscar nominations.

To oversimplify: One guy makes a mistake, knowingly or not, another takes offense or not and makes a graver mistake.

After some time, second person apologizes, sincerely or not we don't know. First person apologizes to the offended party.

Now, that is the way.

In matters of God, many righteous people do their "religious" or "churchy" duties even when they have offended someone. But God requires mercy not sacrifice.

When we have offended someone, after what might be an emotional roller coaster ride has ended, we should drop everything, even our "religious" and "church" or civic duties, and we ought to go to our brother and/or sister and apologize with a sincere heart, not with an excuse. No one is perfect. 

God willingly forgave us, so that we too are able to forgive one another. Each one of us is going through something. We cannot judge another's mistake because theirs is different than ours. That would be hypocritical and arrogant. 

Forgiving others is how to be an ambassador of love (and how art imitates life or life imitates art). And how the bible helps us navigate our day to day life. 

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