What the World Needs Now is a Father's Love

A Father's Love

"The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” Moses: upon reaching the other side of the Promise Land, recorded in Deuteronomy 1:30-31

There is no time in our history have more people gained the whole world, but are empty, unfulfilled, unloved and unhappy.

There has been no other time in history, except in the times of the world wars, have more people suffering emotionally, psychologically and physically. Even so, we have wars and war zone conditions happening every day in countless cities all over the world.

There has been no other time in history where more people are thinking of killing themselves and are actually doing so in record numbers every single day.

Live Streaming

There is no time in human history when our every moment, even the worst ones, are captured and are publicly shared for all the world to see.

There is no other time when bad news are instantly broadcasted as they happen and that there is almost anything but bad news in the mass media.


There is no other time in history, have we the resources, the capability and the capacity to do great things for others but still have thousands suffering in our own communities and millions all over the world.


There is no other other time when more fathers are nowhere in their own children's lives.

And there is no other time, where more people desperately needs a Father than in our time, probably the last generation if not, the start of the beginning of the last of our kind to walk this earth.

Good News

We, God's children are here for a reason, to touch hurting people everywhere with the love of our Father in heaven.

Today, more than ever, the good news is needed -- to let others know that we are not alone, we have an advocate in the person of the Holy Spirit. We have a Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. And we have our Father in heaven, who goes before us, and a Father who carries us during our most difficult of times. There is Someone to go to, in our times of need, hopelessness and desperation.

I am Not Alone
