Do Not Be Like These People 7
Peter told Simon, “May your money be destroyed with you because you thought you could buy God’s gift. You won’t have any share in this because God can see how twisted your thinking is. So change your wicked thoughts, and ask the Lord if he will forgive you for thinking like this. I can see that you are bitter with jealousy and wrapped up in your evil ways.” Acts 8:18-23
Continuing with this series, the seventh about putting a name or a personality to people who we should not be like, today we will focus on a Samaritan named Simon. Tradition tells us that he was a magician by trade, and he was quite famous in Samaria.
So when he witnessed the apostles "performing" a more astounding "magic act" than he could, the Book of Acts recorded that he offered them money to purchase this ability.
And thus he got the rebuke above. It is interesting to note that before this, Simon was among a number of Samaritans who became believers of the faith, having seen first Philip being used powerfully by the Holy Spirit, and then Peter and John.
People who act like Simon should really be very careful with the path they are threading. And this goes with those selling to these scrupulous Simon-wannabes. Because history is definitely not on their side. Repentance and a complete 180 degree turnabout is highly recommended. God is not someone to trick or mock. Not then, not now and not ever.
Don't Be Like Them Series
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