A Common Destiny for All

"Everyone will die someday. Death comes to godly and sinful people alike. It comes to good and bad people alike. It comes to “clean” and “unclean” people alike. Those who offer sacrifices and those who don’t offer them also die. 
A good person dies,
    and so does a sinner.
Those who make promises die.
    So do those who are afraid to make them."
Ecclesiastes 9:2 NIRV

Death Comes to All

This year, I had my share of funerals, for friends and family members, more than the usual number I suppose.

One thing it reminded me is that death comes to all. Thus the saying: "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” 

Times like this, allow us to contemplate a little bit, about what is this all about. I mean, we get to ask ourselves questions like, what does this all amount to? Or what does my life amount to? Are we here on earth to be mere consumers and then when our time is up, to return to earth and be fertilizer?

Humans have pondered about their existence, their purpose and the meaning to their life for generations. Most people have gravitated towards an Intelligent Designer and a few to the other side as being mere "accidental beings". This is why we have sayings like, YOLO (you only live once),  "C'est la vie", "Que Sera Sera", come what may, and such is life.

When You're Ready

For me, once you are ready to sit down and ask yourself, what is the meaning to everything you are doing or have done in your life, then maybe you would consider, what if there is an intelligent Designer -- one who made you and me who we are. And seek a way to see if, when it is my time to say goodbye to this life, there is something or someone else on the otherside.

