Foolish Heart, Foolish Mind, Foolish Man
“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out.
But I, God, search the heart
and examine the mind.
I get to the heart of the human.
I get to the root of things.
I treat them as they really are,
not as they pretend to be.” Jeremiah 17:9-10
People in real life is not like those seen in reel life. People in the movies and on TV are just that, reel not real. It is the real fantasy world. The unseen spiritual world on the other hand though not seen is very much real. So the old adage, to see is too believe is not necessarily true.
You see in Hollywood, Bollywood, Hallyuwood and everywhere else in the world they make movies, the protagonist or the main character can do no wrong, while the antagonist can do nothing good.
But in real life, not everything is as it seems. All is not so black or white.
Throughout recorded history, people have always been mysterious. This is why we need a kit-kat break or a snickers bar.
Real Not Reel
People are not always good, as they are not always bad. Now people could be "good" at say Christmas or Easter or to get a promotion or when they need a favor from someone. And some people could make a New Year's resolution or go on a diet and be good for about three days.
But ultimately, people are mostly half and half, they always have something up their sleeve or their own agenda.
And mostly these are not really good ones, and they are hidden or unknown.
But God knows.
And as the Prophet Jeremiah said God knows that the heart is most deceitful and wicked, the Lord, searches all hearts and examines secret motives. And He gives all people their due according to what they deserve.
People are not always good, as they are not always bad. Now people could be "good" at say Christmas or Easter or to get a promotion or when they need a favor from someone. And some people could make a New Year's resolution or go on a diet and be good for about three days.
But ultimately, people are mostly half and half, they always have something up their sleeve or their own agenda.
And mostly these are not really good ones, and they are hidden or unknown.
But God knows.
And as the Prophet Jeremiah said God knows that the heart is most deceitful and wicked, the Lord, searches all hearts and examines secret motives. And He gives all people their due according to what they deserve.
Change of Heart
What is important though is that there is a remedy. The human heart can be changed. And the desires of which can be changed to things that please the Lord.
On this holy day season that we call Christmas, our Heavenly Father did the heavy lifting, He sent Jesus to be born and to be received into our hearts.
We just need to open the door to our hearts and accept God as He waits knocking. And as we bare and open our very soul to Him and cooperate with what the Lord wants to do in our heart and in our life, we are changed -- instantly, and from one level to the next.
The Lord is just waiting for us to give up doing what we do best -- doing everything on our own, being untrue, deceitful or otherwise foolish or stupid.
Until then, and until we want the Lord to change us from the inside out, we are nothing but Holly, Hallyu and Bollywood protagonists.
And people can be so foolish as to think that they can outwit their Creator. So enough with this foolishness. For the Lord will only contend with man for so long.
Raising the white flag of surrender is the only proper and wise decision to make. Give up and let God. And the day we do, will be the best decision we could ever do.
What is important though is that there is a remedy. The human heart can be changed. And the desires of which can be changed to things that please the Lord.
On this holy day season that we call Christmas, our Heavenly Father did the heavy lifting, He sent Jesus to be born and to be received into our hearts.
We just need to open the door to our hearts and accept God as He waits knocking. And as we bare and open our very soul to Him and cooperate with what the Lord wants to do in our heart and in our life, we are changed -- instantly, and from one level to the next.
The Lord is just waiting for us to give up doing what we do best -- doing everything on our own, being untrue, deceitful or otherwise foolish or stupid.
Until then, and until we want the Lord to change us from the inside out, we are nothing but Holly, Hallyu and Bollywood protagonists.
And people can be so foolish as to think that they can outwit their Creator. So enough with this foolishness. For the Lord will only contend with man for so long.
Raising the white flag of surrender is the only proper and wise decision to make. Give up and let God. And the day we do, will be the best decision we could ever do.
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