God's Christmas Message

"God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save the world." John 3:17

A lot of people can quote John 3:16 by heart. And yes it is a very powerful love note from God.

But right after this most quoted of verses is the reason for the season. Isaiah sums is out best with this:

'FOR to us a child is born, to us a son is GIVEN' [not earned or worked for, but freely given].

The first and last words together is what the baby Jesus was born to do and to offer you... the gift of FORGIVENESS.

Once you receive Jesus, you are FORGIVEN. And it is important to note that you cannot give out what you have not received.

This Christmas before we exchange or give out and receive earthly gifts, let us first receive God's gift that lasts forever -- the gift of forgiveness -- the one gift you need to share to everyone else especially to the ones who hurt you the most and in most cases even to your own self. And nowadays more than ever, as more and more people are hurting today, and thus hurting others, because it is the one thing they have a lot of to give out.

Remember everything you do or say or comes of you is just and overflow of what's inside you or what's eating you in the inside.

Receive instead, God's love, to give out a genuine love that will never fail and will never ask for anything in return.

John 3:16: "For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

God is love. And as the song goes, give love on Christmas day... no greater gift is there than love... (you know the rest).
