First Good Friday - It is Finished

It is Finished

Following the mock trials and the proceedings to prove Jesus deserved to be sentenced to death, Pilate was eventually persuaded to send Jesus to be flogged and to be executed.

Let us follow what Luke wrote, as he narrated for us what happened next.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

"Two others, both criminals, were taken along with him [Jesus] for execution.

When they got to the place called Skull Hill, they crucified him, along with the criminals, one on his right, the other on his left.

Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing.”

Dividing up his clothes, they threw dice for them. The people stood there staring at Jesus, and the ringleaders made faces, taunting, “He saved others. Let’s see him save himself! The Messiah of God—ha! The Chosen—ha!”

The soldiers also came up and poked fun at him, making a game of it. They toasted him with sour wine: “So you’re King of the Jews! Save yourself!”

Printed over him was a sign:this is the king of the jews.

One of the criminals hanging alongside cursed him: “Some Messiah you are! Save yourself! Save us!”

But the other one made him shut up: “Have you no fear of God? You’re getting the same as him. We deserve this, but not him—he did nothing to deserve this.”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom.”

He said, “Don’t worry, I will. Today you will join me in paradise.”

By now it was noon. The whole earth became dark, the darkness lasting three hours—a total blackout. The Temple curtain split right down the middle. Jesus called loudly, “Father, I place my life in your hands!” Then he breathed his last.

When the captain there saw what happened, he honored God: “This man was innocent! A good man, and innocent!”

All who had come around as spectators to watch the show, when they saw what actually happened, were overcome with grief and headed home. Those who knew Jesus well, along with the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a respectful distance and kept vigil." Luke 23:32-49

Judas was right to feel remorse, for he was right, he did betray innocent blood.

But you know what, even after all these, Jesus requested from His Father in heaven, to forgive them, as they have no idea what the hell they were doing.

And then as He hang on the cross to pay for theirs, yours and my sins, it is finished, is what He said. It is done. Paid in full. Our sins paid for by His blood, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Chosen One.

Will you be like one of His followers who will stand by Him, risking being arrested and put to death themselves?

Will you be like the one criminal who asked Jesus to remember Him in the face of his impending death, or even be like the captain of the Roman guards who after witnessing all that have transpired that fateful day, finally acknowledged God and said Jesus was the Son of God.

Or would you be like other criminal who up until almost to his last breath, cursed Him or like all the Roman guards, and all the people standing around who all went on and on to mock Jesus?

Believer or mocker, we are just one of the two.
