On the First Good Friday

Following the time when Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane for the last time. Judas led a gang from the high priests and religious leaders who came with him to arrest Jesus using swords and clubs. Judas, the betrayer had worked out a sign that whoever he kissed would be the one they would arrest.

After the infamous kiss and a short scuffle, Jesus was taken in and tried in a kangaroo court. He was brought to face Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Let us follow this on this narrative.


"Jesus was placed before the governor, who questioned him: “Are you the ‘King of the Jews’?”

Jesus said, “If you say so.”

But when the accusations rained down hot and heavy from the high priests and religious leaders, he said nothing. Pilate asked him, “Do you hear that long list of accusations? Aren’t you going to say something?” Jesus kept silence—not a word from his mouth. The governor was impressed, really impressed." Matthew 27:11-14

From here, we can see that Jesus didn't need to say much to give a good impression of Himself before the Roman governor. He didn't need to. He knows who He is, He knows who His Father in heaven is and what His purpose here on earth is.

In fact it was because of this meekness and composure that lead to Pilate being impressed -- with Him whom they claim was the Messiah, meaning the Chosen One, the Anointed One, the Promised One, the King of the Jews, the Savior of the world.

Pilate couldn't find any fault on Him and tried to let Jesus go several times. In the end Pilate sentenced Jesus to death by hanging on a cross but washed his hands of his decision.

By this time, Jesus was just about done talking. And in a little more time, He will be done with His mission, altogether. The same with our lives, there will be a time for speaking and doing as there will be a time for silence. The hard part is when to know the right time for both. This reminds me that even in our prayer time, that we also need to know when to talk to our Father in heaven and when to keep quiet to hear Him respond back.
