God Provides

The Lord Will See To It

Then Abraham noticed a ram whose horns were caught in a bush. So Abraham went and took the ram. He offered it, instead of his son, as a sacrifice to God. So Abraham gave that place a name, “The Lord Provides.” Even today people say, “On the mountain of the Lord, he will give us what we need.” Genesis 22:13-14

There are many things that are written in the bible that could be hard to understand. Among the many is where this passage is taken from, where Abraham went up the mountain with his own son, Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice to God.

Of course this and many others in the bible can be hard to swallow. Of course, especially if you bit off more than you can chew.

But it does get easier when you look at the Old Testament stories as a foreshadowing or an image of the New Testament, or the New Covenant that God is making with His children.

In this story of the old covenant, Isaac, son of Abraham carried wood on his back up the mountain to be sacrificed by his father.

Thousands of years later, in the new covenant, Jesus, Son of God, carried His wooden cross up the (same) mountain to be once and for all, the sacrifice for all humankind.

I Don't Get It

In this world, we may not get what we want. But surely, God provides, and has provided us with what we need -- love, peace, joy, hope, grace, mercy, forgiveness and eternal life. All as His gift, if we receive it.

Life is not going to be easy, but God will see to it that you can make it. With Him, nothing is impossible. Of course, for He is nothing but the Creator of the universe afterall -- no Avenger, or no Thanos could ever beat that. I know, I jest, but most open minded people might be able to see the timing, the analogy, if not the implication.

We of course know the Marvel Universe is make believe, as myths and legends come from human minds, but who is to say that some of these old stories were not based from true events passed down through oral tradition and ancient writings.

Creator God

God is the Person we attribute our own universe to. To some, He is the Prime Mover, our Maker, the Intelligent Designer or simply the Creator.

Not everyone will believe or even understand.

But always, the first step is to believe that there is a God. Scientists through the ages have long studied to find out if there is one or not. And the verdict is still up in the air. But it is 50-50. Either there is or there is not -- one or the other, no in between. Your truth is what you believe in.

The second step is harder, to believe that we are created in God's image. (We will discuss this in other lessons). 

After this, the third step is easy, and that the gospels were written so that we have something to base this on (an ancient writing, much like any other historical writing).

One Step At A Time

Not all at once, but page by page. And step by step, you will get to where God wants you to be. This is a race, not a 100 meters sprint that is over in seconds, but it is a long drawn marathon.

Take your first step in your journey to find out for yourself. Who knows, you might finally understand His will and His purpose for your life.

