
Everyday Wisdom

"If people can’t see what God is doing,
    they stumble all over themselves;
But when they attend to what he reveals,
    they are most blessed." Proverbs 29:18 MSG

The bible has a book called Revelations. It is the last book of the New Testament. In it are prophetic visions written down by one of the closest followers of Jesus, the Apostle John.

Actually Scriptures (both in the Old and the New Testament), contain a lot of prophetic visions, some of which have come to pass generations ago, some in the recent past, some are happening right now before our very eyes and many are still to come.

Comes by Hearing

Believers come to know about these when they read it for themselves and when they read or listen to teachers who do.

God already revealed everything and are available for all. Many of us are just starting to realize this. What daily scripture reading and quiet time will do is to "reveal" these revelations one by one, as the Holy Spirit leads and guides those who are willing to listen and see it for themselves.

Current events and current technology are making it even more possible to reach more and more people, especially those where the gospel has not been allowed to be taught.

