Beatitudes 2 - Teaching 9

Jesus Teaches His Disciples


“But how horrible it will be for those who are rich.
    They have had their comfort.

How horrible it will be for those who are well-fed.
    They will be hungry.

How horrible it will be for those who are laughing.
    They will mourn and cry.

How horrible it will be for you
    when everyone says nice things about you.
        That’s the way their ancestors treated the false prophets."
Luke 6: 24-26

If you think about it, this is the flip side or the Side B of the previous teaching.

If you missed Side A, it would be worthwhile to start there and then flip back here.

Well Off

Jesus taught His disciples that riches are nothing but temporary material things of this world.

Well Fed

Jesus taught them, that those who are always full, will go hungry.


Jesus continued, it will be sad for those who are laughing for pain, distress and sorrow will follow.

Everyone Saying Nice Things About You

And then on to the meat, Jesus told them it will be a sad outcome when everyone say nice things about you because this treatment is the way the world afforded false prophets.

Meaning this is the way the world treats their own kind -- the exact opposite of the way the world treats followers of Jesus.

These kind of teaching illustrates how Jesus taught those who want to listen to Him talk.


He did so mainly by using illustrations of everyday life and everyday things. The bible calls these parables. On the surface they would appear like just stories. But these stories offer deeper meanings, like how someone who are taking the time to find gold, harvest pearls or mine for diamonds and other precious stones and metals -- at first glance, when they chance upon these hidden gems, it appears nothing like a hidden treasure. In fact it would be dirty, raw, uncut and looks so ordinary that no one could tell that they are actually precious and expensive. Such are the Words of Christ.

Hidden Treasure
