Judging - Teaching 11

Jesus Teaches His Disciples

Stop Judging

“Stop judging, and you will never be judged. Stop condemning, and you will never be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and you will receive. A large quantity, pressed together, shaken down, and running over will be put into your pocket. The standards you use for others will be applied to you.” Luke 6:37-38

Easier Said Than Done

Continuing on these lessons, we will read the next verses from teaching # 10, with Jesus Himself teaching His disciples.

Like what I mentioned from the previous lesson, before I came to understand what the good news of Jesus is all about, many if not all of these teachings totally didn't make any sense to me. The Golden Rule (do unto others what you want them to do unto you) -- even though most people mistreat us and do all sorts of bad things towards us, how then can we treat them good? Nonsense, right?

The world says survival of the fittest. But if you think about it, the cockroach and even the smallest, the weakest and the least known species of animals will outlast humans, lions, eagles and all the other predators. So who's the fittest now?

The Measure You Use

Continuing on this lesson -- the standards you use for others will be the same standards applied to you.

Wow, in this world, then there would be no hope.

And so like in lesson 10, only through Jesus will there be real hope. And only by the Spirit of God will we be like Him.

Judging & Condemning Others

Do not judge for you will be judged the same way.

Do not condemn another, less you'd be condemned yourself.

But, but...

No. And no.

Gossip, slander, evil speaking, false witness, listening to only one side... no, no, no, no and no.

There goes the national past times.

Forgiving Others

Like in lesson 10, we say again, only by the grace of God and by His Spirit, can we even begin to walk like this.

Only when we know that God Himself has forgiven us. And that He does not condemn us and He does not judge us, are we able to do the same.

And knowing this, how could we even judge, condemn and not forgive others?


Love covers a multitude of sins. God is love. And that is why He overlooks our mistakes and miscues.

But the world's ways are all totally opposite God's ways. People follow the ways of the world, even though deep in their hearts and their very souls they know these are not right.

Yes, much like partaking in one of our vices, gambling, getting drunk, smoking, recreational drugs, dirty language, dirty jokes, whatever it may be, we just cannot seem to quit doing it.

Now, you might know why you couldn't and how you can.

New You

The visible evidence of a new creation, being born again with a new heart and a new spirit, with a mind being renewed day by day is losing the appetite for the things of this world. It might be instantly or gradually, but it will come. This is not a sprint but a long drawn marathon, but nonetheless a race, a race to the finish.

God's people are citizens of heaven, they are not meant for this world. Before they can journey back heavenward, they will become more and more like what their citizenship and birthright entails, than being citizens of this world.

If you are slowly losing your appetite for this broken world, you may be on your way back home.
