Parables - Teaching 13

A Story about a Mustard Seed

"Jesus asked, “How can we show what the kingdom of God is like? To what can we compare it? It’s like a mustard seed planted in the ground. The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds on earth. However, when planted, it comes up and becomes taller than all the garden plants. It grows such large branches that birds can nest in its shade.”

Jesus spoke ⌊God’s⌋ word to them using many illustrations like these. In this way people could understand what he taught. He did not speak to them without using an illustration. But when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them." Mark 4:30-34

This is the second parable of this series on Jesus teaching. And if you ask me, I really feels it just naturally flows from the first about new wineskins. If you have a lot of time to burn, you could read that first, in case you missed it.


First off, Jesus is teaching again using stories, as we already know are called parables. And as we have learned, Jesus is fond of doing, this time He wanted to compare the Kingdom of God to a seed -- not just any seed but one of the smallest seeds. He uses everyday things so that those hearing can relate or understand.

Now this same seed, when planted in a garden grows into a plant taller than the person who planted it and taller than most garden plants.

Thus birds also nest in its branches.

What does this mean?

The concept of God's Kingdom is that it is a small seed.

First it needs to die. How? It needs to be buried in the ground -- planted.

Then it needs to be watered, taken care of. And then it grows roots and sprouts up. It matures. It blossoms.

It becomes bigger than us. And birds build nests in it and makes it it's home where it gives birth to its young, nurtures them, protects them, feeds them, teaches them until they are able to fly on their own

Small Seed

All these starts with a small seed. And this is why Jesus at one time chided His disciples due to their lack of faith.

He basically told them: "Because you’re not yet taking God seriously. The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed (a mustard seed), say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.” (Matthew 17:20).

Yes, we of little faith. Although Jesus in Him telling this parable is basically telling us, we only need to have that tiniest of faith. Because like the small seed, with the proper care, it will grow and become a home for others to build on and grow their families in.

And all these doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. Although it starts somewhere. And right now is a good time.

Go on, the parables of Jesus await. Read them and learn from them.

God has allotted to each a measure of faith 
(this is all the faith we need)

Parables Series
