Born Again? I Believe I Am. What's Next?

"(O Lord) what are mere mortals that you should think about them (mere man that you should think about him),
    human beings that you should care for them (son of man that you should care for him)?"  
Psalm 8:4 NLT [Psalm 8 For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument]

This message is the 5th Part of this series.

Shepherd Boy

King David who wrote the psalm where we took the passage above was a mere man.

In his younger years, he was a teenager who tended his father's sheep. In those quiet times alone with the flock he tended, he would have realized that there is more to life than just herding, shepherding and protecting sheep. While he learned to fight off wild animals which at times would attack their sheep, he also composed and sang songs (psalms) for the Lord. In one of several songs he had composed, he was asking the Lord who am I that you are mindful of me, who am I that you care for me.

Surely, he told himself, I am not the merely like these sheep or these wild animals -- the sheep gets slaughtered when I don't protect them from predators. And the predators (wild animals) I put them down when they do try to attack our sheep.

More Than Animals

He would have thought, surely his existence, his purpose is so much more than his sheep and the wild animals out there.

And he was right. God had a purpose for him, not merely protecting sheep, and in the same way that God does for each one of us.

For David, shepherd boy to everyone else, was so much more than that in God's eye. For you see, while people look at the outward appearance (the seen), the Lord looks at the heart (the unseen). David, with his many flaws, weaknesses, imperfections and wrong decisions was a man, who was described to be, after God's own heart.

And he was, you can see why as you read the psalms he had written.

King of Israel

And at the proper time he was promoted -- anointed (appointed) King of his people by God.

Like shepherd boy David, God has a purpose for each one of us. Mine, for now is writing these short messages to reach you and everyone else living in different places around the world to share with them the good news of Jesus.

Personal Purpose

Yours is far more important and personal to you alone. God will lead people to you, like He did me.

God led the Prophet Samuel to David to anoint him as King. God used everything that David went through (both the good and the bad) to bring him where he was supposed to be and accomplish what he was meant to do.

You and I may not know yet what God has in store for you, or what you are here for.

But know for sure, like how David wondered, who was him that the God of the universe is mindful of him.. that God is indeed mindful of you.

He cares for you. He has plans for you. And good things are starting to take place right now towards the completion of those plans.

Get to know God and His plans for you. This is what's next for you.

If you are able, have you been looking for a group of believers (a bible believing church) to go to on a regular basis to hear God's Word taught and to meet with and fellowship with other believers?

Are you reading through the Book of John yet?

If not, ask God to give you the hunger to read or listen to His Word. If you aren't hungry to learn more about God, maybe we missed a step somewhere. (Maybe you missed or we have to go back and read the first four parts of this series)

Born Again Series

Image Credit: Truth 4 Freedom's Blog
