Word 2

John’s Reason for Writing

"The Word of life existed from the beginning. We have heard it. We have seen it. We observed and touched it. This life was revealed to us. We have seen it, and we testify about it. We are reporting to you about this eternal life that was in the presence of the Father and was revealed to us. This is the life we have seen and heard. We are reporting about it to you also so that you, too, can have a relationship with us. Our relationship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. We are writing this so that we can be completely filled with joy." 1 John 1:1-4


Joy is a good reason to share the Good Word. And this is the very reason these pesky Christians have eversince talked to people they get in contact with. This actually was making their joy complete.

And Luke wrote that "there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." So even the angels were rejoicing with them.

How Could They Not Share the Word

For over three years, the followers of Jesus -- John, James, Peter, Matthew, and all the others walked the earth with Him (Jesus, the Word who became flesh).

They shared their meals with Him. They spent almost every minute with Him.

They heard Him speak. They listened to Him teach. They saw Him heal people. They witnessed Him perform miracle after miracle. They saw Him bring the dead back to life. And they saw Him come back from the grave Himself.


Like when we tackled in the previous message, Jesus is the Word -- the Word who became flesh. God sent us His Word, so that we can finally understand Him.

And this is why His followers who were with Him for over three years couldn't help but tell everyone about Him. Yes, even to the point of being ridiculed, tortured, imprisoned and put to death. (Not unlike what was done to Jesus).

How could they not tell others? And how could the believers of today not do the same when miracles are still happening because of the Word who became flesh -- Jesus of Nazareth.

You could deny Him. You could not believe any of these. You could call them crazy. But to these people, it was real despite what you tell or do to them.
