Born Again? I Know I Am. Hard to Fake It.

"Be ready to spread the word whether or not the time is right. Point out errors, warn people, and encourage them. Be very patient when you teach."  2 Timothy 4:2

The passage above was taken from the second letter of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, the young pastor.

In the passage above, Paul was reminding Timothy to do five things. Five, which all believers also need to be doing.

1. Spreading the Word

2. Pointing Out Errors

3. Warning People

4. Encouraging Others

5. Teaching with Patience

Believers are to spread the good news of Jesus -- the Word. Patiently teaching others, encouraging them and not antagonizing. And they are also to warn them and point out the errors of their ways.

Not An Easy Thing

Of course, no one said these are going to be easy. In fact, without being born again, these will be impossible. Now with the Spirit of God, all things are possible. And with God's Spirit living inside them, believers are capable of carrying out all these and more.

But apart from God, they can do none of these. How could they? More importantly, why would they?

The Apostle Paul said, if Jesus did not come back from the dead (and the Holy Spirit has not made been breathed on them -- giving them new life) then they should be the pitied as they ought to be the most miserable humans on earth.

But they are not miserable, in fact the early believers were far from it. They had an unexplanable inner peace and inner joy, even in the midst of trials and suffering, even in the face of death.

Yes, hard to fake that.

Note: this is the thirteenth message in this series, below are the links to the previous messages, in case you've missed any of them.

Born Again Series

Born Again? I Don't Get It!

Born Again? I'm Starting to Get It.

Born Again? I Get It!

Born Again? I Want It!

Born Again? I Believe I am. What's Next?

Born Again? I Believe I am. What Now?  (Two Part)

Born Again? I Know I Am. But, But, But Why?

Born Again? I Know I Am.

Born Again? I Know I Am. But Why?

Born Again? I Know I Am. The Big Why.

Born Again? I Know I Am. Sing It Out!

Born Again? I Know I Am -- A Stone Singing Out!
