Born Again? I Know I Am. Sing it Out!

Note: this is the eleventh message in this series, if you missed any of the previous messages, it would be advisable to go back and read through them first. At this point, it could be fairly easy to get lost (confused/have a lot of questions) or shall we say, bite more than we can chew. This is not unusual for the things of God. Heavenly things go over our own mortal heads, the bible tells us many instances of these.

For your convenience, the links to the previous messages could be found @ the end of this message.

But of course, you could always do what you want to do or are used to doing -- old habits die hard, we all know that. No one's forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to anyway. And this is not the way Jesus did things.

Let's continue...

Sing It Out!

Taking off from what we started to do in one of the previous messages (the ninth), let us shake it a bit and begin this message once again with a song (instead of a passage of Scripture). Mind you, once the Spirit of God has been breathed in and has taken residence in one's heart, the Spirit will lead them to sing, to worship, to praise -- singing from the heart, not merely from their mind or their mourh. He will also make them sing spontaneously -- sing new songs, words will just start to pour out and right there and then, they will be singing from the heart.... shall we?

Too Much?

Anyone not reborn in the Spirit, will say, too much. Anyone who was born again would say not even close to what it should be. Since the days of King David who wrote and sang songs to the Lord and played a stringed musical instrument, people have been singing his psalms (songs) and writing and singing their own songs.

This is just a natural offshoot which believers cannot get away from.

[Here is a portion of a psalm, possibly one that David wrote, Scriptures does not mention who wrote it but that just means it was not important. What is important is that someone wrote it down, sang it to the Lord and its has been preserved for succeeding generations to sing and be a source of new songs.]

"You are the Lord’s people.
Obey him and celebrate!
    He deserves your praise.
Praise the Lord with harps!
Use harps with ten strings
    to make music for him.
Sing a new song. Shout!
    Play beautiful music.

The Lord is truthful;
    he can be trusted.
He loves justice and fairness,
    and he is kind to everyone
    everywhere on earth.

The Lord made the heavens
    and everything in them
    by his word.
He scooped up the ocean
    and stored the water.
Everyone in this world
should worship
    and honor
    the Lord!
As soon as he spoke
    the world was created;
    at his command,
    the earth was formed "
Psalm 33:1-9

The Spirit of the Lord points to the Word and the Word points to our Heavenly Father. Our Father in heaven points us to His Son, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among humankind. Those mere mortal ordinary people who was with Jesus (the Word) during His earthly ministry, endured everything the world threw at them. And they survived and thrived by being Spirit-filled born-again believers on Him who is the Beginning and the End.

Today is no different. Believers survive and thrive through the Word and the Holy Spirit. And the blood spilled for their salvation and the word of their testimony. All these will endure until the end of the age.

Born Again Series

Born Again? I Don't Get It!

Born Again? I'm Starting to Get It.

Born Again? I Get It!

Born Again? I Want It!

Born Again? I Believe I am. What's Next?

Born Again? I Believe I am. What Now?  (Two Part)

Born Again? I Know I Am. But, But, But Why?

Born Again? I Know I Am.

Born Again? I Know I Am. But Why?

Born Again? I Know I Am. The Big Why.
