Christmas Countdown Continued

"God is our refuge and strength,
    always ready to help in times of trouble." 

Psalm 46:1 (a song of the descendants of Korah)

We are one more day closer to Christmas Day, as the countdown continues.

For some of us, the worst is over. We have found an amazing outfit. We have bought the right gift. We have planned the perfect meal. And everything else is set.

For the rest, one or all of these or more are still unchecked on their holiday wishlist.

And the stress and the worry is rising every day.

If we pause for a few minutes here and ponder about Joseph and Mary that first Christmas day. Do we think our present concerns will pale in comparison to theirs?

Promised Child

I do hope so. Mary is just about ready to give birth to the promised Messiah. Everyone knew of the prophesies. Generations of hopeful believers have come and gone but the prophesies about the Messiah have yet to be fulfilled.

Now it will, finally. Mary and Joseph have been chosen to bear and raise up the child of promise.

Everything has been set for hundreds of years. Mary is almost ready to give birth, but here they were, tired from a long journey and no room anywhere, in fact there is no other place to even shelter for the night, much less to have the newborn King be delivered.

How does our own worries compare? I know we all have them. Some more pressing than others. And we're not making light of anyone's burdens. But as the psalmist said "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble."

God's Promise

I can almost hear Mary in between the painful contractions say softly under her breath, my God you are my refuge. And Joseph, whispering, my Lord you are my strength.

Our God is always ready to help us in times of need. Have we paused to ask for it today in the middle of our own worries and concerns?

If not, it is still not too late. Christmas is coming, the perfect time to ask and to believe.


Christmas Countdown
