Christmas Countdown - It's Here

"Let go [of your concerns]! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth."
Psalm 46:10 (a song of the descendants of Korah)

We are on our last leg of our Christmas countdown.

Initially, we were counting down the days, then the hours, now Christmas is almost here and many could no longer wait. Some are stressing out or just barely hanging on as they run to and fro to finish off their holiday wishlist.

The rest couldn't care less about what all the fuss is all about over Christmas. A few have not even heard of Christ. Some really do not want to believe or worse cannot make themselves believe. For many of them, the holiday stress some people are carrying with them now, they carry themselves everyday.

But what did the psalmist tell us, it is about time to let go of our concerns... then we will know that God is God and He rules the nations and He rules the earth.

Letting Go

In our own personal Christmas story, we have learned to let go through the many uncertain moments in our life.

First, when we first decided to believe Christ and follow Him.

Second, when we decided to come together as husband and wife and raise a family.

Third, when we moved to a foreign land and settle there.

Fourth, through the ER and ICU visits, bad reports from doctors and lab results. Through the aches, the pain, the surgeries and medical procedures.

Fifth, through the long drawn out economic downturn, missed opportunities, missed promotions and other disappointments, setbacks and many other bumps on the road.

Sixth, through the passing away of family members, friends and loved ones

Then, now on our current Christmas story - as we have been looking for a place to call home. It has been weeks now and it's alnost Christmas Day, but still innkeepers are saying "there is no room in the inn".

Last night, watching a play about the original Christmas story, just puts ours or even your current story into perspective. And the kicker, God came down that first Christmas morning. Love came down, along with hope, joy, peace -- wrapped in pieces of cloths that was put together and lying in a manger, a feeding box for animals.

Let us take a deep breath. Let go. Believe, everything is under control. It is the day of our Savior's birth.
