Reason For the Season

"Be careful that you do not forget the Lord."

Deuteronomy 6:12a

Season's Greetings

I know it is fashionable to greet people with "Happy Holidays" or "Yuletide Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas", for it is the "politically correct" way.

I understand that not everyone believes in Christ and others do not believe in God. But at this time of the year everyone is celebrating one thing or another.


And Christians do need to be sure that they know what they are celebrating.

On a sidenote, I do see why some people who do not share the Christian belief would want to deny those who do of their right and freedom to celebrate and commemorate their holiday -- celebrating the birth of Christ.

To Each His Own

For as we have already said, this is the season to celebrate and different people do celebrate different things and in different ways -- even Black Friday (even on Thursday or starting the week of), Cyber Monday (although everyday is online shopping day by now) or even Bah Humbug, someone's celebrating something, somehow, some way.

People celebrate Santa, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or the Eids (al-Fitr and al-adha).

And they celebrate by buying gifts for themselves, gift giving, dressing up, decorating, drinking, feasting, spending time alone or coming together, being merry, watching sporting events or holiday shows and don't forget the holiday candies -- as every other holiday has evolved to.

Christ the Reason for the Season

But even with all these, Christmas still is and will forever be about the coming or the arrival of the One who was prophesied for generations -- the Messiah, God is with us, the Word becoming flesh and living among us, Light of the world -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the baby born in Bethlehem.

Do Not Forget

In the short passage above taken from the Book of Deuteronomy - a book of laws and a reminder to the Old Testament Jewish people not to forget about God, the reason why they were about to enter a foreign land that was promised to them to live in after years of slavery in Egypt.

The term "Deuteronomy" is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning 'a copy of the law'. In the original (Hebrew) word it means 'these are the words'.


So the book is a retelling and a memorial of the laws and the covenant that God made with His people.

It commemorates the time when they were taken out of their old life and into a new life of promise in the land they are coming into.


In much the same way Christmas is about the coming or the arrival of the One who was born -- God's Word who became flesh who was to take us out of the holds of this world and its old ways and into a new life* in Christ. This is what Christmas is all about -- the birth of Christ, yes even if we do not know the exact date, as no one knows exactly when it happened. All we need to know is that it did.

And to this, we say .. Merry Christmas to all Christ followers all over the world.

"God bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

*New Life:

Born Again? I Don't Get It
