Psalm 85
A Prayer for Peace
"Our Lord, you have blessed
your land
and made all go well
for Jacob’s descendants.
You have forgiven the sin
and taken away the guilt
of your people.
Your fierce anger is no longer
aimed at us.
Our Lord and our God,
you save us!
Please bring us back home
and don’t be angry.
Will you always be angry
with us and our families?
Won’t you give us fresh life
and let your people be glad
because of you?
Show us your love
and save us!
I will listen to you, Lord God,
because you promise peace
to those
who are faithful
and no longer foolish.
You are ready to rescue
everyone who worships you,
so that you will live with us
in all of your glory.
Love and loyalty
will come together;
goodness and peace
will unite.
Loyalty will sprout
from the ground;
justice will look down
from the sky above.
Our Lord, you will bless us;
our land will produce
wonderful crops.
Justice will march in front,
making a path
for you to follow."
Psalm 85 (CEV)
A psalm by the people of Korah for the music leader
All throughout the Book of Psalms, we read the psalm writers pour out their hearts to the Lord, quite often in the middle of their trials and times of need and desperation.
They write poems, set them to music and sing them up to the Lord who hears their cries.
In the middle of their distress, they have the Almighty in their minds and they offer up a song of hope and peace. They lift up the name of the Lord, they keep the joy of the Lord, and they proclaim that all will go well and that all is well in their soul.
May all these be done in God's Holy Name.
Peace be with you all.
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