Speak from the Heart

"If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal." 1 Corinthians 13:1

In our previous message, we ended with something like this:

As much as we can, the Lord wants us to live at peace with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We could do this with the love our God has so graciously lavished us -- the same love we would extend to one another.


Yes, like the song says all we need is love. We really do not need all the knowledge, all the skill, all the mastery of words and eloquent speech and flowery language.

But we do need to master one language -- the language of real love. Not our own selfish love, but rather the selfless love that Jesus gifted us with.

How to do it?

First, we need to receive that love, keeping it in our hearts. And always mindful that it is a free gift offered by our Father in heaven, nothing we did to earn or deserve it. But like any gift, we can decide not to receive it.

Speak Volumes without Saying a Word

Now once we truly receive this gift of love, even without words, it will speak volumes. It will touch our inner being, our inner core, our soul. This love will put his arms and embrace those who need a hug. It will change us from the inside out.

And then it touches those we share it with, for our words and actions will no longer be empty sounds of gongs and cymbals. It will resonate with the same selfless love we have received and keeping safe in our heart.

Gospel of Love

It is often mentioned that Francis of Assisi was quoted to have said; "preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words.” Not sure if he really said those words, but this is so true.

The gospel of Jesus Chtist is not words but it is a gospel of love -- the love who came down from heaven and is the same love we extend to one another, yes of course with words, but more so with what is really inside our heart.
