Celebration of Life

"No one knows when his time will come." Ecclesiastes 9:12a


10 am, February 24, 2020, over 20,000 people gathered in Staples Center in LA to celebrate the life of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi.

As millions of others around the world watch a select group of people speak live, Michael Jordan's speech was among those which stood out.

Not for the new Jordan crying memes that it will spawn but because Kobe's "big brother" Mike, his boyhood idol really spoke from his heart. And before ending his emotional speech, he said "no one knows how much time we have".

Jordan, wiping tears away as he spoke about his "little brother" Kobe.

Indeed, for who would have known that Kobe (only 41) and 8 others would be taken from this world that fateful Sunday morning.


In the bible, as we have read in the passage above, Solomon wrote in the Book of Ecclesiastes, basically the same thing... 'no one knows the time' and he added, "Truly there is nothing new under the sun."

Year after year it’s the same old thing. And many will never learn this simple truth. There is no guarantee of tomorrow, regardless of our health, wealth and status. Everyone is destined to die and after that comes judgment.

Michael Jordan

Michael ended with this advice: "spend as much time as we can with our families and friends and the people that we absolutely love".

And may I add, whenever possible, retire early enough so that we could be the best spouse, parent, (grandparent), friend, big brother/sister, mentor, coach and encourager that we could be. And do the things we most want to do.

Kobe Bryant

Yes, just like Kobe. Except, he will not be around to see his children marry or see his grandchildren. Although from those who spoke, it seems like he was able to do all the other things in the final years of his life.


A lot of people disliked Kobe, at least when he was still alive. Many had judged him from what they have heard or read about him. And Kobe, never really defended himself.

But on February 24, 2020 and the years following his retirement less than four years ago, other people have shined a little light about Kobe, which people not close to him wouldn't know.


He wasn't perfect (no other person is anyway) but behind the spotlight, he had a hidden life that is no one knew for he didn't really let them be known.

He allowed other people, those who knew him, to do the talking for him. Still many other things weren't spoken about yet.

But it was clear, he lifted people up, he helped many and he did not bring attention to himself or the good things he has done or is doing for others.

As Scriptures tell us "let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith." Galatians 6:9-10

Mamba out.
