Uncommon Instinct

"Make sure that no one ever pays back one wrong with another wrong. Instead, always try to do what is good for each other and everyone else." 1 Thessalonians 5:15

In our previous message, we ended with something like this: only through the Spirit of God will we win the world over to Christ -- not by our own strength and not through our own skill.

Good Works

Of course we do good works but it is fueled by God's love, God's grace, God's Word, God's Spirit and us staying connected with our Father in heaven. Yes the Jesus way.

In the three previous messages we have talked about listening, speaking and action. Now we will move into reaction.

We live in a fallen world. Many are lost. Many are hurting. There is so much suffering and some are just about ready to give up or snap and snap at one another. And they do, but we can't really blame them.

Now our natural tendencies, instincts and reflexes are geared towards an equal and opposite reaction. But that eye for and eye human law has been frowned upon by Jesus of Nazareth. He just said no to it.


So instead of reacting instinctively, we should be so in tune with the mind, the heart and the Spirit of Jesus that we should be able to react like He would.

How to do it? We should always be looking past our own situation and trying to put ourselves in other people's shoes.

Jesus naturally loved on people. He cried with them. He mourned with them. He understood them. He didn't judge them. And He didn't condemn them.

He didn't let anything get to Him. He prayed constantly and fasted from physical food and earthly pleasures. He gave Himself to others and knowing He only had so much time, He taught how to do the same to His closest followers. And who in turn, did the same to others who have received God's love, God's grace and God's Spirit.

We will know that we have received all of these three gifts when we stop acting and reacting like how we would before we met Christ and when we start acting and reacting like Jesus would have. Yes, in any and all situations -- and life will just be easy, light, full and abundant, like what it was meant to be.
