Waiting Just 24 Hours

"...for His mercies never fail. They are new every morning" Lamentations 3

My wife had a fresh revelation today. We have been talking about the Lord and we know that the Lord is faithful. He comes when He is the topic of a conversation. He is not the pushy type, if you leave Him out, He stays out. But once you call upon Him, He would always be there -- a constant help in our time of need.

Real Need

And there is no other time that we need His help than now. The pandemic has given people sickness, death, grief, worry, stress and many other problems -- mental, physical, emotional, psychological and financial.

But this time has also provided us with many other postitives, which of course as humans we fail to see, as we are focused and more inclined to look at the negatives than the positives.

Real Opportunity

Today as we are shut indoors, we can compare it during the days after Jesus was buried, His disciples have also shut themselves indoors, sheltering in place, away from enemies who wanted to harm them, imprison them or worse torture and have them executed.

But with their time together, they had a unique opportunity to talk about Jesus, His time with them, His teachings, His examples and His promises.


And what did Jesus do, as He was the center of their thoughts and their conversations? He appeared in their midst, in the flesh, back from the dead telling them.... "peace"... and more importantly "peace be with you".

[Jesus previously appeared to two of His disciples as they were talking about Him on the road to Emmaus]


Today, we also have that unique opportunity. With our isolated time together indoors, we also have the time to talk about Jesus, His life, His Words and His promises.

Going back to the conversation I had with my wife, we were talking about how Judas could have waited just 24 hours. We were talking about how if he could have waited one more day, he could have been saved. And even saved from killing himself due to his remorse over having Jesus arrested and killed.

He could have waited just one more day and see with his very own eyes that Jesus was alive and well and that all that has happened has to happen for it has all been written and prophesied about.

But no, Judas couldn't wait even just 24 more hours. He couldn't wait one more day.

He gave in too soon to his guilt, his grief, his worries and his mistakes.


And this is why Scriptures tell us that God's love is great. His compassion never fails. His mercies are new every morning.

If we wait for Him for one day, we are not disappointed, His hope, His peace, His love and His grace sustains us.

And when we wake up the next morning, everything is new again, His grace and His mercy is new and we are again able to live for one more day, one day at a time.

Judas Hangs Himself

"When Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was filled with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders. “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,” he said.

“What is that to us?” they replied. “You bear the responsibility.”

So Judas threw the silver into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself."
Matthew 27:3-5
