Pandemic Preaching - Calm Before the Storm

Day of the Lord

"Now concerning how and when all this will happen, dear brothers and sisters, we don’t really need to write you. For you know quite well that the day of the Lord’s return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. 

When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape."
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3

Many people say that the last days will be marked with mass destruction, total chaos with a side of a zombie apocalypse. Yes it could very well be.

But Apostle Paul and as well as other passages in the bible tell us that the Day of the Lord or Judgement Day will come like a thief in the night. Meaning it will come unannounced and we have no idea the exact hour.

So it will come when we least expect it (so it could tonight, next month or next year).

Like a woman with a child on the way, we know the baby is coming but don't know the exact hour or minute.

Day of Judgement

It will come when there are festivities and normal feasting and partying, just like in the Days of Noah, people going about their daily happenings and then the floods came.

And like it says in the passage above when everything is "peaceful" and "secure". So actually it is coming but not just yet.


Now what we are supposed to be looking at is this -- peace or people talking about peace; like what is starting to develop in the Middle East right now. Two Arab kingdoms have just signed some sort of peace treaty with Israel within weeks of each other with others likely to follow. (I mean will those praying for peace in Israel, please take it down a notch, it is working and we know what will happen next).

But right now, all hell is still breaking loose worldwide which by the way as we have already stated are also signs of the impending end days. Yes, anything but peace and security right now.

End Result

Now all this will conclude with the gospel being preached into all the world, which due to this pandemic (hence the series title Pandemic Preaching) is also starting to happen with the church becoming mobile, less rigid and going online, on our smart phones and every where else.

So, all the signs are happening, and it seems all at the same tine. The world is in labor -- meaning it is experiencing birth pains and like in a pregnancy, everything needs to happen but it does not mean that the baby will come out just yet. It just means that the baby indeed will come -- like we can tell that the end will come, but as we have already mentioned previously, just not yet.

Pandemic Preaching Series
