Pandemic Preaching - I Am Praying For Patience And I Want it Now

"Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful." James 5:11

This pandemic has totally tested our endurance, stability, sanity and our patience. Not that many is aware that a (worldwide) pandemic does not end in weeks or months. Pandemics in the past lasted for years, some even do not end, just continues at a pace that allows for people to live their lives differently than before.

Today, not even one year into this (global) pandemic, most people has already lost patience with this novel virus nor the new normal being implemented worldwide because of it.

We can't blame humankind, we have already gotten used to everything instant and modern conveniences, no one can stand waiting, doing nothing and worse suffering.

Job - The Most Patient Man in the Bible

In the bible there is a book that is not that easy to understand. It is the story of Job, who is most likely the most patient man in the bible. Here is a summary of his story, the book of Job.

It is true that the book did not reveal why Job, a righteous man suffered so much. And this could be the question of most people today. 'Why Lord?'

The reasons why people go through suffering are varied. And the reason why a righteous person would go through it is confusing to say the least. (But why not though, right?)

The Reason Why

Actually the Apostle James did tell us the reason why in the passage above.

That the purpose of the Lord is to show how He is compassionate and merciful. I told you, it wasn't that easy to understand.

Job was blessed not by his own merit but through God's goodness. People think they are "entitled" for good things, but nothing is certain except that life is complicated and complex. And that good and bad things happen to good and bad people.

Job went through a long agonizing period of confusion and suffering, like most us are going through right now. And the end might not even be in sight yet.

Trust in the Lord, that He is in control and that He is compassionate and merciful. We may not believe that, but He is.

The only thing is that God has His own timetable. Job found this out after going through his period of suffering.

"What a gift life is to those who stay the course! You’ve heard, of course, of Job’s staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That’s because God cares, cares right down to the last detail." (The Message Paraphrase, James 5:11)
