Pandemic Preaching - Real Joy Part 2


"God’s kingdom does not consist of what a person eats or drinks. Rather, God’s kingdom consists of God’s approval and peace, as well as the joy that the Holy Spirit gives. The person who serves Christ with this in mind is pleasing to God and respected by people. So let’s pursue those things which bring peace and which are good for each other." Romans 14:17-19

In the first part of this message, we talked about God's sense of humor.

Obviously there was an intent of showing that point across with a little more humor than we would normally be used to. And that could seem odd, weird or even blasphemous to people who would think that God was a serious God or that we shouldn't think of Him that way. Like God does not want us to laugh or even have fun.

But if God does not really have a sense of humor or if He isn't funny like that, why would He have created you (or me) for that matter. That alone is proof that He is a comedian. There is absolutely no other reason for us to be here (with all our blooper reels) if not for a God who has a sense of humor. Don't worry though when we mess up, like we always do (even if it wasn't caught on video), He is laughing with us, not at us.

Real Peace

Anyway, and seriously, there is a Side B to that passage above, and this is concerning peace. Much like joy, peace is a gift of God. Anyone who has the Holy Spirit abiding in them will also have peace. And not just the kind that we have when everyone and everything around us is "peaceful". It's the kind of peace coming from the inside and independent of anything that might be going on in the outside.

There could be a storm, a very bad report or a pandemic going on, but that peace will still be in there. 

Like joy, we can say we are at peace or have peace of mind (and heart) but we wouldn't know until something happens that will let us know for sure if we have it or not. Like if our business was forced to shutdown, if we got laid off, furloughed, our hours are cut, we have no child care, almost nothing to eat, no roof over our heads or worse there is no power and we have no charge on our smartphone and no wifi.

Would we still have peace, or joy?

Jesus told His closest followers, before He left them that “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27)

These gifts are still available today through the Holy Spirit -- the Spirit of God. 
