Pandemic Preaching - The Truth Is The Truth Even if We Don't Believe It

"Jesus looked straight at them and said, “There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.” Matthew 19:26

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who believe in God. And those who do not.

Okay there's a third group, those who believe that it is impossible to find out if there is or if there isn't one and so they convinced themselves they don't care to believe or not.


Statistically, the chances would either be that A, there is or B, there isn't.

Regardless, if it is A, even if we don't believe it, He is and will still be God.

And as God, of course He can do anything. Nothing is impossible for Him.

Aa for Man, we already know that there are things we cannot do. And we cannot understand, including this pandemic.


But you know what, if God is God, then even a pandemic will work out for good. And if we still have not learned anything the last few months, then we haven't been paying attention.

This is like someone pressed the reset button for everyone and everything to reboot their systems.

This time has been an opportunity for everyone to honestly look at how they have been living their lives, see what is important and to change for the better.

The truth has been staring us in the face all this time, we just needed a chance to look at it long enough.

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