Advent - Promise Keeper


"When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to do what the Law of Moses says should be done for a new baby, the Spirit told Simeon to go into the temple. Simeon took the baby Jesus in his arms and praised God,

“Lord, I am your servant,
    and now I can die in peace,
because you have kept
    your promise to me."
Luke 2:27-29

Simeon Praises the Lord

The passage above is an excerpt of this promise fulfilled. Read Simeon's story here.

This is a continuation of the previous message, so when Mary and Joseph, following their old tradition, presented the baby Jesus to the Lord in the temple, an old man, named Simeon who due to the prodding of the Holy Spirit, was also at the temple at the same time.

God’s Spirit promised Simeon that he would not die until he had seen Christ the Lord.

Promise Fulfilled

This was fulfilled as Simeon not only laid eyes on the Christ, the Savior of the world, he also held the baby who would grow up to save the world. (This would presumably make Simeon a person with priestly duties in the temple).

God has fulfilled His promise to humankind in the grand scheme of things. But He also fulfills His individual promises to each one of us.

Relationship Not Religion

God is like that. Creator of all. But also a loving Father to each one of us, His beloved if not estranged children.

Simeon knew who He is and how God loves Him and knows that He will fulfill His promises to him.

How, you may ask?

First like Simeon has, we need to know who we are and who God is.

Second, we need to love God (again like Simeon). This is not really that hard to do, as God loved us first, and in our most unlovable condition (when we were wallowing in mud, like the prodigal son*) God sent His Son to take our place and give us (back) eternal life with Him. This same love is the same love we in turn will use to love God back. And not our fickle minded, selfish human love.

Third, we need to be led by God's Spirit. Also not hard as it sounds. We only need to ask Our Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit. (When someone or something is prompting us to go to church, that would only be the Spirit of God).

Fourth, be sensitive to and have an attitude of expectation, gratitude and willingness to heed the proddings of His Spirit.

And lastly to praise God before His promise is fulfilled and after.


*or the Lost Sheep
