Pandemic Preaching - Real Joy Part 6

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

We are now on part 6 of this series (within a series) which all started with a silly take on God having a good sense of humor because He gives people what they want when they absent mindedly ask for it.


What I mean is people who pray for patience do not really know what they might be getting into.

We are in a pandemic people, quit praying for patience. What it does is it will only lengthen the time we need to deal with the pandemonium because God may very well grant the requests.

And some people have long patience they can endure for a very long time.


This mini series on joy, all started with a discussion we had with parents and teachers. And you guessed it, the discussion was about joy.

I told them God is a comedian with a good sense of humor (of which all of us inherited but don't know we have or we've lost it along the way).


What I mean is that when you truly know Christ, you also have joy. But how would you know for sure that you really have it, other than to go through a life of living hell and still be singing hallelujah.

As I've said be careful what you wish for, it has almost been 9 months of pandemic hell. We are all ready to give birth (if some of us haven't prematurely already) to pandemic offsprings, among them anxiety, sickness, mutiple trips to the bathroom all day, no toilet paper, bad hair days, hair growing everywhere, no hair, toothaches, gaining 30 pounds, children home 24/7, worse spouse home 24/7, grown up kids back home again or haven't seen them all this time, no vacation, no work/school to take vacation from, nothing to watch on netflix, worse watched all of their shows, fed up with the news, running out of recipe ideas and many more worse things a pandemic can give birth to.


But yes, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience...

Again, to those who are praying for patience, please stop. It's very funny.
