Pandemic Preaching - Real Joy Part 8


"He won’t shout or yell
    or call out in the streets.
He won’t break off a bent reed
    or put out a dying flame,
but he will make sure
    that justice is done."

Matthew 12:19-20

Continuing this series on joy, after having discussed God's kindness, today we will talk a little bit about His gentleness.

He is Gentle

Do not get me wrong, God (like we have already discussed in previous messages in this series) is love, He is kind, He is patient and He is gentle. But He also cannot be fooled.

He is all that and more but like the passage above (He will not shout or yell, He will not break off a reed that is bruised or snuff out an ember that is dying out) -- Matthew quoting the old prohet Isaiah, yet He will also make sure that justice is done.

He is Just

He is merciful and full of race. He is long suffering. But He is no fool. He is a just God.

If anyone or anything has wronged us, He will make sure that justice is done.

In the same way, if we continue to be wicked, justice will be done. It may not be immediate, it may take some time, but it will.


I have taken some flak as some say that I talk about God's goodness and mercy too much. One or two have pointed out Scriptures to show me God is not all love.

But Jesus of Nazareth (who Matthew was referring to in the passage above), was indeed loving and gentle. And even to the religious leaders of His day, who were constantly trying everything to entrap Him, scheming against Him, slandering Him, looking for people to give false testimonies against Him. They followed Him everywhere and questioned His every word and everything He did.

Although He answered them with grace, wisdom and humility, Scriptures tell us that at least twice He called them out for who they really are, called them out for the evil intentions in their hearts and to tell them where they are headed because of that wickedness.

Meaning there will be a time* for gentleness but there will also be a time for when justice will be meted out. Indeed, God is a God of love, mercy and grace but he is also a God of justice.

When that day comes, it is wise to be on the side of God's mercy and grace and not on the side of those who are against Him.

During this pandemic time, God may be gently reminding us that some of us may have very limited time left before judgement arrives. Let us come to the Father, through Jesus.

*John 9:4
As long as it is day, we must do what the one who sent me wants me to do. When night comes, no one can work.

Love Came Down
