Pandemic Preaching - Need to Teach

"Jesus asked a third time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt because Jesus had asked him three times if he loved him. So he told Jesus, “Lord, you know everything. You know I love you.”

Jesus replied, “Feed my sheep."

John 21:17

One of the last things written down that Jesus did was to ask Peter if he loves Him. He asked this three times.

And each time Peter (who was named Simon by his parents) told Jesus that He knew that he loves Him.

And to which Jesus told Peter to do three things:

1. Feed my lambs.
2. Take care of my sheep.
3. Feed my sheep.

Such is the work of those who love Jesus.

Feeding Lambs

New believers are lambs in the faith. They need nurturing and milk to grow up and become mature.

As such those who are mature in the faith needs to teach them like six or seven year olds.

It is our desire that this teaching will be an upcoming new series for the new year.

Taking Care of the Flock

We already know that wolves in sheep's clothing has already come into the church since the first century as well as others outside the church who wish to harm and scatter the flock

So those in Christian ministry have the responsibility to keep the flock safe, like Jesus would have. Those who scatters them and even fail to help them return to the fold is doing exactly the opposite of what Jesus would do.

Feeding the Sheep

Those who already know about Christ, will need more than milk and baby food but solid food or the meat of the word for more spiritual nourishment as everything in this world will continually try to take away those which were already given them.

In fact those who are mature in the faith should already be able to teach new lambs who will become the next generation's Peter, Paul and the other followers of Christ. And yes, all these are especially important in these pandemic times when people are seeking out answers to their questions about life, and living and dying, and many other things.
