Feeding the Lambs - Importance of the Local Church

"I was chosen to explain to everyone this mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning. 
God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. 
This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord." 

-Apostle Paul writing to the early church in Ephesus
Ephesians 3:9-11

[3rd message of the New Believer Series]

Paul in writing to the early believers in the City of Ephesus (an important Greek city near the village of Selƈuk in modern day western Turkey) mentioned one of the purposes of the church.

Ruins in the City of Ephesus. The church in Ephesus is mentioned as one of the 7 churches in the Book of Revelation. This city was the closest of the 7 to the Island of Patmos where the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation. 
Image Credit: Btitannica.com

What is a Church

This church that Paul was referring to is not the church building (or the magnificent structures where people come together to congregate). And it does not refer to organized religion (or the set of religious rituals or the set of rules that has to be followed to be seen as righteous).

The church Paul was referring to is the people themselves -- the community of Christian believers, also known as the fellowship of the saints.

[So the church is not like, "let's go to church" (no we are the church). Also the church is not the pastor or the pope or the priest or the religious leaders and it is not the set of religious dos and don'ts.]

Paul told the Ephesian church that they were the means to reveal or make known the (mysterious or unknown) wisdom of God.

So in their meeting together, the church (the body of Christ) is revealing and displaying this mystery. Intriguingly, this specific revelation is to "principalities -- rulers and authorities in the heavenly places (realm)." 

The Unseen World

This would be to angelic and yes demonic realm.

The original church had the original apostolic (or supernatural) powers. These powers struck both awe and fear to those who saw it performed with their own eyes. This no doubt was also meant to have the same "desired" effect on angels, their helpers/protectors and to demons, their adversaries (demons are fallen angels). This was to show them that the supernatural powers of God were available to those people who believe in Christ. They were the real deal.

Meeting Together

The church is the (whole) body of Christ, His bride. Every believer is an integral part of the entire body. No one part is greater or lesser. Even though each one has different functions. Every part is needed to form the whole body -- the big toe is no less than the left eye nor the brain is no more than the intestines. Each part is essential.

This is why the writer of the Book of Hebrews (or the letter to the Hebrew believers) told them:

"Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

This was also so because some of them may have given up or forgotten the habit of meeting for worship and fellowship (daily or traditionally on Sundays).

Second Coming of Christ

That passage from that letter to the Hebrew believers was to remind them that they must not neglect meeting up. They should continue coming together to keep on encouraging one other, especially since the day of the Lord's second coming is getting closer.

The Lord (our bridegroom) is coming back for His bride (us the church). And take the church home.

This is important now more than ever -- for a new believer to find and join a local church, a fellowship of Christian believers to meet with and be a part of. 

.At the very least or very last option, this online church (The Church of the Lost Sheep) is available to any believer, anywhere in the world, most especially in those parts where there is no fellowship of believers or when believers cannot make it to the worship services in their area due to their individual circumstances.

This concludes our three part (long) introduction (an appetizer) to this New Believers Series. Yes, we have not really even started yet. So buckle up, the meat and potatoes are still to come and we will meet you here next time. Let us not forget.
