Feeding the Lambs -Jesus Everything including the Kitchen Sink

"Christ died once for our sins.
An innocent person died
    for those who are guilty.
Christ did this
    to bring you to God,
when his body
    was put to death
and his spirit
    was made alive."

-the Apostle Peter
1 Peter 3:18

[4th message of the New Believer Series]

The Christian faith is all about Jesus Christ. Christianity starts and ends with Him. He alone is the Savior and the Mediator between God and human, Sola Christus.

I know some people cannot understand why Christians are so into Jesus that they are literally Jesus Freaks. Well guess what, that is the very reason why the early believers were called "Christians". This name was actually meant to be a derogatory term that non-believers were calling those early disciples of Jesus. And times have not changed, today people still call Christians using derogatory terms (Jesus Freaks included).

If Christians cannot take it being called names because of their faith, then they may still not be totally sold out for Christ.


Now having believed in Christ is why Christians at the very least, read the Gospels and the Book of Acts. For after having believed, there ought to be a real hunger to know more about Jesus Christ. This is a sign of a new or real believer.


A few people might also want to know about Christ because of their own personal reasons, and that is why they also read the bible or read books and watch movies or documentaries about Him. But they do so without the real inner hunger or genuine passion of new believers who have come to the full realization of who Christ is and what He has done for them. And has believed them.

The Giver not the Gifts

Their hunger for more of Jesus is not quenched by more information or not just out of the curiosity to find why other people are into Him. Christians are not after mere knowledge.

They are not after the gifts as they are after the giver of the gifts. These gifts being salvation, restoration, healing, hope, peace, joy and love.

Any one who receives Christ, receives them all and more.

It is Finished

Christ came down to take away our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but He died for sinners (me and you) to bring us safely home to Our heavenly Father. He suffered physical death, and was raised to life in the Spirit.

He defeated everyone and won the victory which believers receive once they receive Him.

Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Alpha and the Omega is and will always be the leader of the church and the one who perfects the believer's faith. Everything starts and ends with Him, once the believer believes.
