Feeding the Lambs - Many Ways To Find The One Way

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

"In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

“Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

John 14:2-6

[13th message of the New Believer Series]

We will continue on with this series, and again we want to remind everyone who are just starting on this series to start @ the first message.

For the topic for today is another controversial one (like many of the others we have already touched on). And this particular one is probably what ticks most people off about this whole Christianity thing.

One Way

Many of these scoffers cannot get on board because Christians come off so presumptuous, telling everyone else that their way is the only way. To them this is just plain arrogance if not pure nonsense. Most of us new believers can relate, as we were one among their number before.

To many of them, they really believe that all roads lead to heaven. And we agree, they do, it's just that the different roads lead to different heavens.

Jesus' Father

But Jesus is "the" way, the only way into His Father's heavenly home.

And having said that, there are surely many roads that would lead to Jesus. And we can attest to this, as believers took different pathways to reach Him.

Multiple Paths

As we may already know, Paul's path to finding Jesus was through persecuting Him and His early followers. So all those who are very vocal and even violent against Jesus and Christians, should watch out as they may just turn out to be Jesus' most ardent defender and teacher of the gospel.

Thomas' path to finding Jesus was through doubting Him (this is why we call people like him, a Doubting Thomas). Above we even read about Thomas asking Jesus, how can they find the way when the way was already in front of them. (Think about how lost he was, they all were).

Peter's path to finding Jesus was through him being embarrassed for his big mouth and prideful ego. He boasted and told Jesus that he was willing to die for Him. But when the first chance came, he chose to deny Jesus to quickly save himself.

The path of James, a brother of Jesus, to finding who Jesus really was, was his refusal to accept Him because obviously how could he believe Jesus was who He claim to be, when he grew up with Him. Familiarity really breeds contempt, so jealously, envy and (sibling) rivalry would have played a role here, but it did find this back door to finding Jesus. James eventually became the leader of the first church (in Jerusalem).

Andrew's path to finding Jesus was being a follower of a different religion. Andrew, brother of Peter, knew Jesus through John the Baptist who belong to a Jewish sect and a leader of his own group of religious followers. Most new believers today were not born into a Christian family, they mostly were born into or came from a different religion.

Nathanael's path to finding Jesus was through a friend (Philip) who came to him and told him about Jesus. Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus to show him that they have found the Messiah. Nathanael went along to check out what craziness his friend was talking about.

Different Reasons

A lot of new believers were like these early believers, or people who were looking for the truth, or people looking for answers, or looking for ways to disprove Christians or Christianity. Many were not even looking for Christ but stumbled upon Him anyway.

Most believers weren't upright, decent or moral people. They were mostly flawed, stubborn and selfish individuals.

They found Christ when they were in their most unlovable state. They found Him when they got sick, dying, when they were down on their luck or sent to prison. They found Jesus when no one else would have given them a second chance much less a second look.

Many today, have found Christ because of the pandemic or the lockdowns. They found Christ through social media, TV, radio or the internet. Or even out of boredom and curiosity.

Jesus has a way of finding us in the most unlikeliest of times and unlikeliest of places, when we least expect it.

Again there are many ways to Jesus but there is only one way to His Father's house and that is through Him.

Jesus is the Door

Just as there would be several different ways to reach your house depending on where you would be coming from (just ask Waze, Google or even Siri), there would be the fastest route, the shortest, the easiest, the hardest, and many others but there would only be one way through its front door.
