Feeding the Lambs - New Believers


If you are are a new Christian, congratulations...

If you aren't sure if you are just yet, you are welcome as well to join us in this new series (or you may want to start with another series -- Rebirth). Whichever you decide is up to you.

This new series was conceived from and now birthed out of a message from our Pandemic Series and back then it was our hope to start this in the new year.

Word Becoming Reality

So here it is --  a new year, a fresh start, new hope -- a new series. 

New Believer

Welcome if you are a new believer in Christ or if you knew about Christ because you were born into a religion or a family who taught you about Him but has now finally really seen Jesus of Nazareth for who He claimed to be.

You see, most people who profess to be Christians were born into the faith, but many of them are not convinced so they fall away from it.

What Christianity is All About

And Christianity is not something we can force on people. Those who truly believe in Christ must first understand and see who He is and what He has done. And we must choose to follow Him and not become a Christian merely because we were born or coerced into the faith.

Not a Religion

Many people think of Christianity (or religion in general) as a rigid set of dos and don'ts. But Christ did not come to start a religion. In fact, He did not like religion and He was at odds daily with the religious leaders of His day.

If you have been a merely religious person or only into religious traditions and rituals then you might not really know who Christ is or what Christianity is all about.


Jesus Christ came down and died for our freedom. It is for this freedom that He set us free -- free to choose Him or not; free to get to know Him or not; free to be eternally separated from Him or to be with Him for eternity.

The choice is ours and not anyone else's. No one else can do it for us. But whatever we do choose, we are all individually responsible for it.

Where We Came From

In our Christian faith walk, each one of us will have to run our own race.

With every step, we will be bringing and carrying with us our own personal baggage into our new faith in Christ. These and our everyday and current conditions will have an effect on our individual race to finish our walk with Christ. 


But don't worry the race is not for the fastest or the swiftest or even the highest jumper. This is not a sprint, but rather a marathon (filled with twists and turns, obstacles, stumbling blocks, disappointments, ups and downs and pitfalls) ending at the finish line of our mortal lives.

Maybe you have come to Christ after you have been an agnostic or grew up an atheist. You might have previously been involved in a different faith or teaching or philosophy. Or perhaps you were born or raised as a Christian but have since drifted away, have not really understood Christianity, got burned or lost your way and have now recommitted your life to Christ.

Whichever way you found Christ, the most important part of this faith is your daily personal relationship with Him.

Not Instant

It is not a one and done deal where you've found Christ today and then tomorrow you go back to living your old life far from Him.

Being a Christian is not a one minute preset microwave setting -- once you hear the sound, the food's hot and ready. It is more like a slow cooker, everything goes in to the pot, but the masterpiece does not come out until the end of the day (after a long slow process).

Even Peter, James, John and the rest of the disciples did not get it all together even after spending three years with Jesus.

How Do You Know

If you can't find yourself starting your day thanking and praising Him and looking forward to what God will do for you that day, if you cannot wait to see more or to learn more about Him and can't wait to talk to Him at the end of the day in your quiet time, then there might still be something missing.

If this is still the way that describes your daily walk then you probably need to read the Rebirth Series.

This has been a long introductory message and we will continue this series next time. We are already anticipating that this will be a continuing (yes long) series.

Check on the Feeding the Lambs Series Page regularly to find new messages.
