Feeding the Lambs - Reading God's Love Letter

"This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. 
For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. 
This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time."
-Apostle Paul writing to Timothy, leader of the first church in Ephesus
1 Timothy 2:3-6

[2nd message of the New Believer Series]

So if there is a God, how do you suppose He would reveal Himself to His creation, and how would humanity know who He is?

God chose to made Himself known through the person of Jesus Christ. I know, this sounds arrogant or too out of this world.

But if it was true, then it will indeed be totally unbelievably out of this world, our world and the arrogance it brings is to be just as we expect it to be (nothing less).

Son of God

Accounts of Jesus of Nazareth did not directly mention that He said that He is the Son of God. 

It would make sense that He didn't want His disciples to believe He is, just because He told them so. 

They are no tyrants or dictators. Jesus and Our Father, Our Creator wanted to bring them to come to this conclusion by themselves based upon evidence from Scripture and evidence from what Jesus has said and done and how He lived His human life. (And with His Spirit as Our Helper). It is a risky and reckless plan but aligns to the freewill and the freedom that they gave us -- yes not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit).

It is Written

If Jesus of Nazareth is who He claim to be, then everything prophesied about Him, everything written about Him hundreds of years before He was born, and everything He said and done all will be consistent and accurate and will sound exactly as it is (and both arrogant and foolish to those who cannot yet fully see or grasp the big picture).

Now the stories of the Old Testament bible all point to this promised (prophesied) Messiah who is to come. And the New Testament bible is the fulfillment of these Old Testament stories and prophesies. Together they form the Christian bible.

The Holy Bible

Technically the bible is a collection of a total of 66 books written by several authors, over a period of some 1,500 years.

The Old Testament contains the sacred books of the Jewish faith, their Scriptures written well before the time of Christ.

The New Testament contains the written accounts of the life of Christ and of the early believers.

This includes the Gospels, written by four people -- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books contain accounts of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Start Here

Of the four, the Gospel of John is unique and is a good starting point to read for any new Christian.

If you want to get the complete picture of who Jesus is and a backgrounder for the early church, then start with reading the Gospel of Luke and then the Book of Acts.

A handful of these early believers wrote the rest of the New Testament bible. These will be letters written to the early churches and to individual believers.

The last book in the New Testament is the Book of Revelation. It is not without cause that this is the very last book of the bible. Not only does it contain events still to take place, it is also among the hardest to understand especially for a new believer. Hence it is wise to read it last.


These books form the Scriptures or the "sacred" writings of Christianity -- the very Word of God. It is God's love letter to the apple of His eyes, His children.

It is the means to learn who Jesus Christ is and to understand Our Father in heaven, the Holy Spirit and learn what Christianity is all about.

If you are a new Christian, it would be normal for you to read Scriptures regularly if not daily. Not doing so is like professing to love chocolates but not even taking a bite of it.

If you love someone, it is normal to write them a love letter if not a love note or a love text message. And even normal still to read the love letter, several times if possible.

Ready to start your journey? Read the gospels and the Book of Acts as you start or renew your Christian walk.

Movie of the Book of John
