Inconvenient Biblical Teaching - Book of Fables

"As I urged you when I was on my way to Macedonia, stay on where you are at Ephesus in order that you may warn and admonish and charge certain individuals not to teach any different doctrine,

Nor to give importance to or occupy themselves with legends (fables, myths) and endless genealogies, which foster and promote useless speculations and questionings rather than acceptance"

-The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy (leader of the 1st church in the City of Ephesus), 1st century
1 Timothy 1:3-4

[3rd message of the Why I Don't Believe Series]

In the first two messages of this series we talked about how people who reject Christianity do so because they cannot accept an inconvenient biblical teaching. (This whether they understood its biblical context, or if they cannot find a way for their personal feelings or personal views to align with it, or if they just made a stand and is sticking to it no matter what.)

Human Nature

As we discussed, this is understandable as we do not want anyone to tell us what to do or what to believe in, the bible calls this free will.

Fairy Tales

Today we will touch on something different, not an inconvenient truth but a stand taken by some who read or read parts of the bible, or read or heard of other people's take on the bible 

Many people say that the bible is nothing more than an old book of fables (myths, legends and fairy tales).

As we have discussed on the previous messages, the bible consists of two parts.

One is the Jewish Scriptures, called the Old Testament bible, written a long time ago.

The second part is the Christian Scriptures, called the New Testament. These were written after Jesus of Nazareth died. Still a long time ago but what we know in human history is old as well. And there are a lot more older historical writings and we believe as gospel truth those without questioning them.

New Testament

We already mentioned that the New Testament consists of the different written accounts of the life of Jesus of Nazareth in and around the Judean countryside at the turn of the 1st century (the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). 

The New Testament also includes a book that recorded what happened after Jesus died and the story of the early church (the Book of Acts).

Plus it contains the different letters written by Peter, John, James, Paul and the other earliest church leaders. 

The last book of the New Testament is the Book of Revelation, a book containing prophetic events, some have already happened, some happening in our time and the rest are prophesied to take place as the world comes to an end.

A Letter of Paul

The passage above was taken from the letter of Paul to Timothy. Timothy was the leader of the first church in the City of Ephesus (now located in what is modern day Turkey).

In the excerpt we can read that Paul who started the church in Ephesus, was specifically telling Timothy to stay away from people who were occupying themselves with fables and myths. These are not something the Apostles were teaching and they want nothing to do with them -- meaning they know which are fables and which are actual events.

The New Testament bible consists of events that happened in their lifetime. And those who wrote them were first hand eyewitnesses or interviewed those witnesses.

Incidentally, those who wrote the New Testament and the people they wrote about were still alive and basically people in their day can verify for themselves if what was written down actually took place. 

Letter to the Corinthian Church

Paul in writing to the believers in Corinth* stated that the resurrected Christ appeared to over 500 people and most of them still alive and they can ask them themselves to see if what he was teaching them were true or not.

*1 Corinthians 15:3-7

Book of Acts

In the Book of Acts, Luke wrote that in the City of Berea**, the people examined the Scriptures daily to check if what Paul was teaching them was true or not. 

After doing so, many of the Bereans (Greek men and women) believed in Christ, but not because Paul had great charisma, is good looking, a great teacher or public speaker (Paul was quite the opposite actually).

The Bereans believed only after they did a thorough examination of what Paul was teaching them.

**Acts 17:11-12

Examine the Bible By Yourself

Christianity is about Jesus Christ. To learn about Him read the New Testament bible.

So here is a call for everyone having an issue believing Jesus of Nazareth today, please be like the Bereans, take the time to examine the bible for yourself and not be swayed by what other people are saying about it. Read the New Testament bible and then you can decide for yourself.

Do not merely reject Jesus of Nazareth without doing your own examination. In other words, before judging the bible, read it first.

People Who Lived Before Jesus But We Believe the Writings About Them and the People Who Wrote Them

• Tutankhamun (1300 BC) - Egyptian King, also called King Tut

• Confucius (500 BC) - Chinese philosopher

• Alexander the Great (350 BC)

• Socrates, Plato & Aristotle

• Julius Caesar, Brutus & Cassius

• Antony &  Cleopatra (60 BC)
