Feeding the Lambs - Walking Daily in the Spirit

"Let all that you do be done in love."

-Apostle Paul writing to the first church in Corinth, 1st Century

1 Corinthians 16:14

[45th and possibly the last message of the New Believer Series]

Fot sure, this has been a long series and we pray that you have been blessed as much as we have in sharing these lessons with you.

Now, you should be ready to move on from spiritual infancy -- move on to feeding on solid food (the meat of the Word of God) from the milk of the Word.

With the power of the Holy Spirit, Scriptures, and brothers and sisters in Christ (the fellowship of the saints) we are being equipped, our mind is being renewed and our spirit being built up, daily as we walk with Christ.

Doing Everything With Love

Everything starts and ends with God's love. Apart from God, we can do nothing.

Whatever good that we do is because of Him, because He first loved us.

When we think about what Jesus has done and how God so loved us so, we are able to love Him back and love others.

Living the Christian Life

Start the day with thanksgiving and praise. Spend time with God.

Pray for your daily needs and expect God's goodness and grace to be with you  throughout the day.

Talk with God daily. More importantly learn to listen to Him. God is speaking to us every moment. God created everything around us and when you believe that, everything begins to point back to Him and His glory.

At the end of the day as you lay down to sleep, thank the Lord and pray that He keeps you and your loved ones safe. Pray for the thirst and the hunger to know more of God. Seek Him where ever He can be found.

Meditating on Scriptures is a good starting point. Read God's Word as often as you can. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Meet up with other believers. And share your testinony and the gospel.

We live in a fallen world but the Kingdom of God is here and taking the ground back, one person at a time. When we walk daily in the Spirit, the church is walking one step closer towards the Lord's second coming.

Again, let all that you do be done in love, with love and for love.

Look to Christ, not at other people. We stumble, we fall, we all need the Holy Spirit. Keep your eye on the chief cornerstone, the foundation of our faith, Christ Jesus. When we fall short of His glory, repent, get back up and start again. His Word and His Spirit are there to help us.

Imitate Christ, and not people who think highly of themselves that they miss Christ already came for them the first time around but were too busy tooting their own horn or doing their own thing.

Again, apart from Christ we can do nothing. Our righteousness and our good deeds are filthy rags in the sight of Our Almighty God.

And once more, let us do everything in love.


Next Series - Feeding the Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
